To install the following products place operating system CD noted in the 'CD' column in your CD-ROM drive. Change the current directory to the directory indicated in the 'Directory' column below. Once in the directory type the name of the setup program in the 'Setup Program' column and press ENTER. Product Name CD Directory Setup Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MS-DOS 6.2 StepUp ( US ) 1 DOS\MSDOS62 setup.exe MS-DOS 6.2/V ( Japanese ) 1 DOS\DOS62V setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Arabic / English) 1 WIN31\Arabic setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Catalan) 2 WIN31\Catalan instal.exe Windows 3.1 (Central / Eastern Europe) 2 WIN31\CentEur setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Chinese/Simplified) 1 WIN31\chinese\simplifi.ed setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Chinese/Traditional) 1 WIN31\chinese\traditio.nal setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Czech) 2 WIN31\Czech setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Danish) 2 WIN31\Danish install.exe Windows 3.1 (Dutch) 2 WIN31\Dutch setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Finnish) 2 WIN31\Finnish asenna.exe Windows 3.1 (French) 1 WIN31\French install.exe Windows 3.1 (German) 1 WIN31\German setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Greek) 2 WIN31\Greek setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Hebrew / English) 1 WIN31\Hebrew setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Italian) 2 WIN31\Italian setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Japanese) 1 WIN31\Japanese setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Korean) 1 WIN31\Korean setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Norwegian) 2 WIN31\Norwegn install.exe Windows 3.1 (Polish) 2 WIN31\Polish setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Portugese) 2 WIN31\Portgese config.exe Windows 3.1 (Russian) 2 WIN31\Russian setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Spanish) 1 WIN31\Spanish instalar.exe Windows 3.1 (Swedish) 2 WIN31\Swedish install.exe Windows 3.1 (Thai ) 2 WIN31\Thai setup.exe Windows 3.1 (Turkish) 2 WIN31\Turkish kur.exe Windows 3.1 (US ) 1 WIN31\US setup.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Danish) 1 WFW\Danish install.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Dutch) 1 WFW\Dutch setup.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Finnish) 1 WFW\Finnish asenna.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Italian) 1 WFW\Italian setup.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Norwegian) 1 WFW\Norwegn install.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Swedish) 1 WFW\Swedish install.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (French) 1 WFW\French install.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (German) 1 WFW\German setup.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Portugese) 1 WFW\Portuges config.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Spanish) 1 WFW\Spanish instalar.exe Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (US) 1 WFW\USA setup.exe Windows NT ALPHA ( US ) 2 WINNT\USALL\Alpha setup.exe Windows NT INTEL ( US ) 2 WINNT\USALL\i386 winnt.exe Windows NT MIPS ( US ) 2 WINNT\USALL\Mips setup.exe Windows NT French ( INTEL ) 1 WINNT\X86\French winnt.exe Windows NT French ( MIPS ) 1 WINNT\MIPS\French winnt.exe Windows NT German ( MIPS ) 1 WINNT\MIPS\German winnt.exe Windows NT German ( INTEL ) 1 WINNT\X86\German winnt.exe Windows NT Japanese ( INTEL ) SDK1 I386 winnt.exe Windows NT Spanish ( INTEL ) 1 WINNT\X86\Spanish winnt.exe Windows NT Spanish ( MIPS ) 1 WINNT\MIPS\Spanish winnt.exe Windows NT Update ( INTEL - CSD 2.00 ) 2 WINNT\CSD\i386 update.exe Windows NT Update ( MIPS - CSD 2.00 ) 2 WINNT\CSD\MIPS update.exe TCP/IP Sockets Developers Kit SDK1 DOS\TCPUTL10 tcpsetup.exe