Ah ha!Windows XP Professional (Traditional Chinese) Snapshot
These are the screenshots of Windows XP Professional(Chinese Version)!They were captured by myself!I hope that it can be shown on the WinWorld GUI Gallery,and more people can know more about the International versions of Windows!
OK,now let's have a setup of Windows XP!

The Graphical Environment of WIndows XP Setup

Boooting XP,the interface is just like the normal Windows XP...


Control Panel

My Computer

Internet Explorer 6(Sorry,because there was an earthquake in Taiwan,so the wire under the see is broken,the internet is damn slow...)

That's all!
OK,now let's have a setup of Windows XP!

The Graphical Environment of WIndows XP Setup

Boooting XP,the interface is just like the normal Windows XP...


Control Panel

My Computer

Internet Explorer 6(Sorry,because there was an earthquake in Taiwan,so the wire under the see is broken,the internet is damn slow...)

That's all!