User names
Ok when i first turned on this computer it asked for a password. I put in winston thats my dogs name. Somehow winston got put in as username also. So i went in to control panel and changed the user to Chris and no password. After changeing it to Chris i still saw the folder on the desktop was called winston. So i reboot and now the folder shows Chris. But some things still show winston like when i go to a cmd its C:\users\winston and the other folders in the Chris folder have a winston in the shortcut or whatever its called. Like the videos it showed something like c:\winston\videos something like that. I done the best i can to describe this. Please help me out here i want to get all to chris and take winston out completely. That name was meant for password only. Thanks for any help.
Do You accidentaly, created an newer user account with the name Chris, than simply renaming Winston....????? (this is an problematic-frecuent error
so, I think that account "winston" is giving problems... DELETE IT AN GIVE TO CHRIS THE CONTROL
So, create another account... or log into the administrator account and delete the winston profile...
When you log back on under the Chris user, windows will make a new profile for you named Chris