Chicago won't install

edited March 2007 in Software
I am trying to install chicago122 (off winworld) in a VM. Setup starts fine but when I get to segment 3 (copying files) i get this message:
can not read setup files, media may be damaged. Please contact the beta administrator.

I have tried copying the files to the HD, floppys, downloading the file again and trying three of the other chicago builds offered on winworld downloads. Each time I get the error




  • Does it give you any indication of which file(s) are defective?

  • No it doesn't but because it happens lke this with all the others I'm leaning towards thinking it's not the files but maybe my configuration somewhere.
  • Check around on the VM's hard disk, there may be a INSTALL.LOG/INSTALL.TXT, ERRORLOG.TXT, etc that will have better information then just "General error 57".

  • I couldn't find anything weird in the logs but the last line is the exact words of the error. Could anyone tell me if it worked or didn't work for them?
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