I'm having trouble tri-booting those 3. I had DOS6 and NT working fine. Then when I made the 3rd partition, it wouldn't boot. I set it primary, but it didn't work. I need to be able to boot all 3 on different partitions through the NT Boot Loader.
The Windows NT supports only one kind of DOS boot, one Windows 9x, and any number of other NT systems.
Windows will boot 9x and DOS using the /WIN95 and /WIN95DOS switches. So if your DOS will dual boot with the Windows 95 dual boot, you can use these switches.
You are trying to boot two versions of DOS. This does not work. Firstly, all versions of DOS must boot from a primary partition on the first hard drive. Some of these require the primary partition to be #1, [eg DR-DOS], but neither PC-DOS nor MS-DOS are that fussy.
You can't just use something like \ = something.
Probably the best is to set the second partition as a system disk, and then try to boot a DOS from there. It may work, but there are some cautions.
You could use bootpart 2.5 to create a boot sector that will start the second primary. This *may* work.
A bug in DOS is that it may refuse to boot, if the extended partition does not have a FAT16 partition on it. This may be also your case.
Failing this, you may need a third-party boot-manager.
Windows will boot 9x and DOS using the /WIN95 and /WIN95DOS switches. So if your DOS will dual boot with the Windows 95 dual boot, you can use these switches.
You are trying to boot two versions of DOS. This does not work. Firstly, all versions of DOS must boot from a primary partition on the first hard drive. Some of these require the primary partition to be #1, [eg DR-DOS], but neither PC-DOS nor MS-DOS are that fussy.
You can't just use something like
Probably the best is to set the second partition as a system disk, and then try to boot a DOS from there. It may work, but there are some cautions.
Failing this, you may need a third-party boot-manager.