
edited February 2010 in News & Announcements

Most of the old "content" is accessible under the archives. I've been working on it for a few hours, and it's actually valid XHTML now.



  • Shouldn't it be Version 4.1?
  • I remember when it was IE only!

  • Rioter wrote:
    Shouldn't it be Version 4.1?

    Probably, but I don't have the original PSD for the logo.
  • I'm now accepting submissions for downloads.
  • Can't find Non-existent domain
  • Worked when I clicked.
  • I cleared my local and DNS server cache, still not resolving.

    EDIT: I've just added it manually for now, is just a cname to right?
  • Working fine here, but yeah it's just a CNAME.
    WinWorld's origins date back to 2002, when a site called "WinWorldXP" was opened by Winman31. This site provided the name that would later be used for a much longer lasting website. By 2003, WinWorldXP had been shut down and replaced by WinVision. The forums at WinVision provided the place where many of those in our community first met each other and began their foray into the abandonware "scene".

    In early 2003, the first version of WinWorld was opened, the inspiration having been provided by WinVision and WinWorldXP. Even by 2003 standards, it wasn't much. Designed in Print Shop Web Designer 1.0, it was colorful, but not very functional. Shortly thereafter, a second version was developed, this time in Microsoft FrontPage. Around this time Q volunteered to write articles for WinWorld, which can now be found in The Archives.

    In the spring "KDog" became a part of the WinWorld staff, and started developing WinWorld v3. While it wasn't much compared to some websites today, it did the job and was much prettier and more functional than any past version. The design of WinWorld v3 was very similar to our current layout, chosen for nostalgia and ease of use.

    Towards the new year, a decision was made to merge the WinVision and WinWorld forums. This led to the creation of WinBoards, with our current database's earliest posts dating back to December 2003.

    Over the next two years, WinWorld would undergo many disputes, server changes and staff members coming and going for various reasons, as well as the banishment of site founder Duff for a period of several months.

    It was in 2005 that an attempt was made to modernize WinWorld with a new site design, emphasizing the use of PHP. Originally designed by "Ian" and later modified by "Zimmy", the design never reached a stage of being deployable. Eventually, a new design was developed by Jamie Sanders, of vNES fame, utilizing elements from both WinWorld and his own projects. This design would be used up until the time of closure.

    After many temporary closures, revivals and clones, it was decided to officially close WinWorld and WinBoards in August 2007. In the months following this, several sites serving as an attempt to replace WinWorld arose, most with little success. During this time, many of the original WinBoards members could still be found in the forum IRC channel.

    In February 2010, WinBoards and WinWorld were revived by several members of #winboards . After some difficulty the original WinBoards database was restored. Some days later an early copy of WinWorld was located, and slightly modified to comply with new web standards.

    The future of WinWorld and WinBoards has never been certain, however it seems there will always be those determined to keep it alive.
  • is now back in control.

    Also Duff, its goddamn slow!
  • Its not really that its slow, its just that the PNG at the top of the page takes a while to load from Duff's connection.
  • I've a question: When are you going to remove the port 81 reference from the forum's address??

    Anyway, congratz for getting the winworldpc domain back! ;)
  • FedeArg wrote:
    I've a question: When are you going to remove the port 81 reference from the forum's address??

    Unless Ka0s upgrades to a business connection, Verizon stops blocking port 80 for home connections, they use proxy-pass in Apache or something similar, or they move the site to pro hosting, it will never go away.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    FedeArg wrote:
    I've a question: When are you going to remove the port 81 reference from the forum's address??

    Unless Ka0s upgrades to a business connection, Verizon stops blocking port 80 for home connections, they use proxy-pass in Apache or something similar, or they move the site to pro hosting, it will never go away.

    What he said.
  • Honestly, we tried fooling with that, and we decided that not only is it not even a big deal, but its part of WinBoards history...
  • Ka0s wrote:
    Honestly, we tried fooling with that, and we decided that not only is it not even a big deal, but its part of WinBoards history...

    Lets see how this current setup works for now. If someone gets a mod_proxy working and it's not slow as hell, it be considered.

    It's coping as it is, let's not mess it up.
  • mod_proxy is not hard to set up. As for being slow or not, that just depends on the connection speed between the front end and Ka0s' server. As long as the front end isn't over seas some place or on the other end of the country, it will probably be decently fast.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    mod_proxy is not hard to set up. As for being slow or not, that just depends on the connection speed between the front end and Ka0s' server.

    Well Zimmy set it up, and it worked, but appeared to be slow for some reason.

    I've never been able to get it to work.
  • If you want to go really far back, you can add "The 386 Page" and maybe "The Astral Plane". 386P was THE original ABW site Fish and I got started from. Our copy of Windows NT 3.1 originally came from there.

    If you want to, you can also mention the fact that we were responsible for some new releases that have probably been stolen and hosted by others as well.

  • Q wrote:
    If you want to go really far back, you can add "The 386 Page" and maybe "The Astral Plane". 386P was THE original ABW site Fish and I got started from. Our copy of Windows NT 3.1 originally came from there.

    If you want to, you can also mention the fact that we were responsible for some new releases that have probably been stolen and hosted by others as well.


    I completely forgot about 386Page. I remember The Astral Plane, I even have a B&W copy of their serials page. Their top-logo was awesome.
  • Post that on another directory somewhere, I could use the history lesson.

    I wonder if tSF is still around anywhere? I'll have to see.

    Unfortunately when Yahoo deleted GeoCities they took out "Wagner-Mason Data Systems", which I have fond memories of.


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