Old memories

edited July 2010 in Software
Customer brought in a PC to work today and as I was walking by the tech's workbench I saw this screen:

Funny thing is, the tech had absolutely NO idea what Windows Whistler was.

It amazed me that someone in this town would have had Whistler on one of their PCs, let alone know what a pre-release OS was in general.


  • Wow, jeez... Where did they get that?
  • No idea. Apparently the PC was from a residential internet customer.
  • Well, it's been a while since I've ever heard about it.. :P

    But it's the first time that I see a copy installed on a everyday use PC! A very rare find nowadays... :O
  • So they had to hack it to disable the timebomb then right? TweakNT or something used to do that.
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