computer randomly turned on ... by itself

edited February 2012 in Hardware
Just thought this was strange. I set up an ASUS Terminator C3 where the Proteva used to be, and installed Win98 on it. Haven't installed drivers yet, just the OS. So I shut it down. It's been off for a few days. So now, while working on my other computer, it just turned on. Completely by itself. While I was right next to it. Strange...

Makes me wonder if I should open this thing up to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong with it. Though I honestly have no idea how, the case is partially ajar and it's a strange case to figure out.

Hmm. That's just weird. Oh well, I'll open it up later and see what's going on....


  • I had the same problem with one of my thinkpads. If I closed the lid on it and walked away after it shutdown, it'd turn right back on again. Was caused by a short on the motherboard (the laptop had lots of metal shavings in it since it was originally from a steel mill)
  • ah, I figured it might be something along those lines. Well I might try to open it sometime to double check its components, but in the meantime it seemed to run just fine. Other than that, weird, isolated instance.

    Update: I seriously can't figure out how to open this little square thing...
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