[FIXED] Visual Studio/MSDN sorting

edited November 2014 in Site Issues
I visited the Microsoft Visual Studio and the MSDN pages, and I believe there is a sorting error: MSDN - Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 should be moved to MSDN, it is not a full copy of Visual Studio 6.0.


  • I think that package was going to get replaced with a more complete one that was submitted but I don't know what the status on that is.
  • Thanks for pointing that out. Those MSDN CDs are the ones that came with Visual Studio 6 enterprise, so they are really in the right places, although they could go under both.

    I had thought the VS 6 setup ISO was around here somewhere.
  • I thought it was only Visual Basic we had someone sourcing a replacement for? I'll have to check the server.

    I don't have any form of ability to link 1 download to multiple products/releases as I never really anticipated a usage case like this. While the discs *did* come with VS6 I would suggest probably dropping them under MSDN and we put a link back on the VS page. Suggestions? This way we can reserve the MSDN page for more historical documentation that we don't have a corresponding direct release of anything for.
  • Were the exact identical VS 6 MSDN CDs avaialble separately?

    Wherever it is, just a link form one to the other should do for now.
  • The release is complete, as this version comes in two CDs. I also remember they were somewhere in the old servers division.

    Stitch, I propose this idea, however there exists some other MSDN libraries which weren't directly associated with any Visual studio version, but I suppose they won't be of that interest since they would take ~2GB each for newer releases (one release per 3 months). If that's the case, creating a release of Visual Studio product named "MSDN Library/Libraries" would be fine imo.

    I have original Visual Studio 6.0 ISOs in both Enterprise and Professional, as well as some individual ISOs (VB6 Professional, VB6 Enterprise, VC++6 Professional etc).

    I'll seek some time to upload them if they aren't on the servers.
  • I was pretty certain that stand-alone MSDN did exist and that's why my vote was for the dedicated product page.

    That said I'm worried if we start collecting too many MSDN editions we'll have a lot of duplicated content in the regards of what the MSDN discs contain. Again disk space is always the premium and we should seriously concider how much of that we want vs. demand, etc.
  • Ok, moved, added linkage, and added a VS6 Enterprise ISO
  • Thanks!

    (Marking as fixed).
  • May I suggest that something similar is done for VS97? I like how the link between VS6.0 and its MSDN has been made in the product pages.
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