Arts & Letters old version
I have been looking for an old version of Arts & Letters for quite a while already, but have not found anything anywhere (ebay, flea markets etc...)
This is what the company sells today and they are not willing to give any old version for preserving, their customer support are quite assholes.
Image taken from their facebook page.

But I'm looking for the old version that was on many floppy disks (maybe 20 disks or so).
This is what the company sells today and they are not willing to give any old version for preserving, their customer support are quite assholes.
Image taken from their facebook page.

But I'm looking for the old version that was on many floppy disks (maybe 20 disks or so).
Considering that they likely already have it "preserved" - do you think that just anybody sending an e-mail would qualifiy as a "preservationist"?
I mean, if it were my company and I got an e-mail saying your interested in it for posterity - I'd go, "yeah...right!"
Interesting that v4.5 has it's serial plastered on all the warez serialz lists.
Looks like they never quite got a niche in the market "Arts & Letters" makes me think desktop publishing, yet all I find are express versions - whatever that means to the publisher.
The company produced:
Arts and Letters: DrawExpress
Arts and Letters: BossFonts
Arts and Letters: Jurassic Park
Arts and Letters: Warbirds
^^^--- each of those packages appears to include DrawExpress, a vector graphics program. I've not seen the "letters" component on any scene release.
i don't know if it's what you're searching for :
Graphics Editor Version 2.01 (Nine PC 360K floppy disks)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor v2.01 - Program (1 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor v2.01 - Program (2 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor v2.01 - Program (3 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Symbols (1 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Symbols (2 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Symbols (3 of 3)
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Typefaces
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Lessons
Arts & Letters Graphics Editor - Samples
I've got two versions: V2.00 and v2.01 (Disks only, no box or manuals).
I never installed it, but it seems to work with Windows 2 or 3 (files timestamp: 10/1989). I only made images with DCF.
If you can offer it, I'll appreciate it.
But I don't recommend to use DCF (Disk Copy Fast) so much.
Because DCF omit to dump unallocated sector on DOS.
In other word, DCF doesn't dump whole disk perfectly.
I use Teledisk (2.xx) or DCOPY.EXE on real DOS.
No problem for offering it. I have to figure how.
I always use DCF because it's fast and stops immediatly when the floppy disks aren't readable. So, i can clean them (and the floppy heads) before they get destroyed by the dirty floppy heads.
I managed to salvage lots of damaged (mold, etc...) floppy disks with this trick.
i can open the images with WinImage because it's compatible with DCF.
When i make an image with DCF, i ALWAYS set the "FAST Option" to OFF, so it copies the whole disk, even the empty tracks/sectors.
I'm aware that they aren't always empty (deleted files or other), that's why i set this option to OFF.
It's right that if you forget to set this option to OFF when you rewrite the images, it won't write the "empty" tracks.
I use Teledisk with "light" protected disks, Snatchit for "heavier" protections and an OptionBoard as the "Ultimate Big Gun" (tm).
I also use DiskImage.
Is there something wrong with this method, please ? Because i already imaged around 1,9GB of original floppy disks (ms-dos/Win softwares, drivers, etc..., each compressed with RAR 2.5 DOS).
I'm a kind of "serial imager"... :roll:
I like "serial imagers". Good peeps I always say.
WW will not accept .dcf image only.
At least normal standard floppy image should be included without copy protected disk.
Example : (Based on IBM PC or compatible, not for Apple / Mac / Commodore or another platform)
1)Disk Copy protected
Teledisk Format (.TD0) / Imagedisk Format (.IMD) / Snatchit Format (.CP2) / PCE Sector Image (.PSI) / TransCopy Format (.TC) / Kryoflux (.raw stream) / Super Card Pro (.scp)
--> PCE Sector Image is for PCE emulator, but another disk copy protected image should be included too.
2)No Disk Copy Protected
*Normal Standard Floppy Image (.ima .img .dsk .vfd)
--> File Size (160KB / 180KB / 320KB / 360KB / 720KB / 1.2MB / 1.44MB / 1.68MB DMF)
*IBM XDF Image (.xdf)
--> File Size (1.72MB)
It doesn't say any of what you just wrote on that page. What it says is: "At WinWorld we prefer that software be contributed in full and in open formats.".
I can just see it:
Librarian: "What ya got there sheep herder"
Ishmak the Herder: "Uh, they're called Dead Sea Scrolls"
Librarian: "Well, we don't take parchment - esp crufty old parchment. Now go use the Xerox and make us some nice A4 copies on 20 lb ultra white - then come back and we'll consider it."
Ishmak the Herder; "Naw, it's getting chilly - I think I'll just use them to start a fire to keep myself warm"
DCF 5.3 is over at vetusware: ... A/?id=3773
Juat look at the comments. Lots of little floppy utils on that site - none of them got as many positive comments from past and present users.
It's quite rare program today, and what I have noticed, those people who own it, are not even willing to sell it.
I agree. I'll take it in whatever form it comes in.
Here's 3 links, each has some form of A& L:
It usually goes a little more like this:
Idiot the Herder: "Mr Librarian, I have a the Dead See Scrolls, or some similar bollocks, here! At least that is what I think it is, I don't know anything about it. I found it at the IdiotVille dump."
Librarian: "Uh, this is just a photocopy, and it is not even legible!"
Idiot the Herder:"It is? Never tried to read it, I don't know how to read."
Librarian: "Ug, the pages are out of order and they are all dated 2007."
Idiot the Herder:"Dude, you are pickey."
Librarian: "It is also missing its serial code. That is sort of a code that is needed to actually, you know, understand any of this at all."
Idiot the Herder: "Yea, the dump destroys those to prevent cooties or something."
Librarian: "Do you even have a photo of the original?"
Idiot the Herder: "What? Seriously? Using a camera is hard. Psh."
Idiot the Herder: "Oh, I did find the documentation scans to go along with it."
Librarian: "Thats great! Wow, this is as big as a truck! wait... this is just the fucking cover?! All of this just for one damn page?! That is NOT documentation! ... Sigh, I guess you don't have the original?"
Idiot the Herder: "Nah, it got used as fire lighter since the dump already had this. Say, you should add some Windows 10 betas, those make my dick hard."
Ok, I'll keep in mind.
I'm back. I'm sorry for the delay but i wasn't born onto the right planet, it rather be Venus instead of Earth. I read somewhere that one Venusian day last 233 Earth days. It might seem a bit long, but 24H a day is definitivly not enough for me.
Back on topic.
I couldn't upload these archives, i cannot register as a VIP (because i'm too young... at least for this forum!
So, you can use the following links and you'll get :
Floppy Disks (BIG) picture
Art & Letters v2.00
Art & Letters v2.01
These floppy disks are originals. i collect all the originals i can get, loose or complete with box. My only rule is "original disks", nothing else.
These "Art & letters" versions were part of a big lot of original floppy disks sold on eBay by an U.S. seller.
I tested the two versions yesterday: they were designed for Windows 286/386, but they can run with Windows 3.xx (you will get nasty warnings, but they work).
I wrote and used the images for full installations, not the originals: i can assure that they are good.
The v2.01 is in fact v2.02 : you will notice it after installation and running it.
The images were made with DiskCopyFast, because WinImage is compatible with DiskCopyFast .
So i can read and use all my images with MS-DOS 286 & DCF or with Windows XP, 7, 8 & WinImage.
I used RAR v2.5 because it has got a nice text GUI (not a command line) looking like NORTON Command. I can shrink and unshrink all my archives with a machine ranging from a 80286 to a Win10 one.
Last, there is a small "readme.txt" in each archive that describes its containt.
Comments are welcome, it will be a pleasure to reply, as fast as i can (depending of the WiFi connexion quality, from this deep Venusian canyon...
The only thing in Commodities is to use DCF.
(DCF format doesn't support on PC emulator.)
They should be edited (converted) DCF format to normal image to use on emulator.
(I edited all images by using Hex Editor.)
Anyway, this is very rare and nice item.
Thanks again.
You are a good person, and I thank you.
As you noted, they can be used without issue using Winimage, and can be mounted as virtual floppies using any of several virtual mounters without incident.
I hope to find time this evening to fire up Windows 98 VM, mount them and maybe get some screenshots.
Again, thanks !!!
PS: You and I live on the same planet - have you ever had coffee at that little Flytrap Express Coffeeshop? They say its always served hotter than a Venusian heat wave.
PPS: There is no reason why you should have any issue logging into Winworld and uploadind files. Talk to one of the regulars here and let them step you thru it!!!
This was done just now on a Windows 7, x64 machine using Winimage 9.00.
And of course it would be just as easy to do using either Winimage, DCF, or any number of readily available tools on any platform that arts & Letters would be used on.
Folks need to be aware that DCF was the defacto standard for many of us prior to the advent of Windows, and even for years afterwards. Gilles Vollant knew that and therefore Winimage has built-in DCF ability. (hint: there is no need to "hex edit" anything - ie open in Winimage, "save as" and done).
W00T !!!
So tell me oh Great Sami of the Software - do I need to volunteer to convert these all to standard IMG - or has that chore already been handled?
Signed sincerely, ... ics-editor
BTW, these are Windows 2.x applications.
These are very nice programs to be used on retro computers.
This may be an older version what I did use in the 1990's but I remember I have been using version 2.x also.
According to the this website ( ... c/31224966 ) there would be a version 3.12 of Arts & Letters too.
Description from website: