FreeBSD 4.6

I recently found a FreeBSD 4.6 complete box, as this post is being written I am archiving the disks. I think it'd be cool to have this on the site. I want other people like me who are interested in old FreeBSD versions to be able to use 4.6. Does anyone else agree that this should be added?


  • Open source projects will only be archived if these are of historic relevance. IIRC there is FreeBSD 1.0 already here.

    SomeGuy is the only uploader for this place and he already has a big big todo list. Also he has a very slow internet connection. It takes ages for him to upload this.

    I suggest uploading it to and posting the link here in "offers" section. If winworld-staff decides to take it, they have it available.
    The offers-section is SomeGuy's todo-list.

    Also opensource projects vanish from internet, so it may be useful for this library.

  • I had archived it to but it failed in the middle of the night, when I get home after school I'll fix it and post the link.

  • @Spaceboy Ross said:
    I had archived it to but it failed in the middle of the night, when I get home after school I'll fix it and post the link.

    Yeah, this is annoying shit. Thanks for uploading!!

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