[Offer] IBM Graphing Assistant 1.0 (SCP) [5.25 160K]
This is IBM Graphing Assistant 1.0 for IBM PC
This software is copy protected.
Images are in SCP format

It may have been modified as there are some files dated in 1980, 1983 and 1984.

This software is copy protected.
Images are in SCP format

It may have been modified as there are some files dated in 1980, 1983 and 1984.

Your dump is clean.
No modified, but verified with mine!
I introduced it as screenshot in 2017.
I think a couple other of the Assistant series may have been dirty and need better dumps, but I forget which ones. Always good to post and compare.
version 2.00 is listed on eBay with a good price.
IBM didn’t make a clean job creating this disk, all those files dated 1980 don’t look professional.
I'd be very happy If you can do your part in verifying this screenshot.