OFFER!!!... Atani 4.5.6 Win32... GIF Animator with 'Tune of a Different Drummer' Aspect>>>

Atani is pretty cool...Great abandonware...

Good for a series of images with several kinds of morphing modes with adjustments for each...Lots of built-in filters & interesting feature set, BUTT!...There's no painting tools in Atani...

BUTT!...You could start out with a single image & go from there too...

Each individual filter has a slider & different 'types'-

Two different Morph tools that do completely different 'tweening'-

All kinda environment options as well-

You just fart around till you get something right or wrong, perhaps a 'happy accident'...

Here was 8 PNG cuts of French Plus-Size Model Clementine Desseaux I sorta butchered just for poor example-

Pass is WinWorld




  • looks simple and useful, thanks!
  • Yes, exactly...One other thing I forgot to mention is that this is one GIF animator that will allow you to increase the amount of frames to delay a GIF rather than writing a delay on a header of a single frame...

    Useful for some app that do not read that info...
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