[Offer] 360+ Programs for Windows 9x

edited October 2023 in Offers & Requests
Hello! I was told to make a thread here. I was also told that you guys generally only want stuff ripped from a disc by the uploader themselves, but nobody seemed certain on that, so just in case, I'm offering a collection of 360+ programs for win9x I've downloaded, though there are some for older and slightly newer versions of windows mixed in, mostly in the web browser category i believe. My priority was saving everything for windows 9x that I could, and all this stuff was ripped off old (and in a few cases new) websites, ftp servers, and if I couldn't find it anywhere else, the wayback machine. Around 10-15 pieces of software are already on (and came from) this site, but if you see anything on here you like, that's awesome. It is mostly freeware, demos, and shareware without codes. The codes that are on there are for Cool Edit 97 (bought by adobe years ago and turned into Adobe audition, but I believe it's old enough to count as abandonware) and Wave Events.



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