Windows 9x(95/98/98SE/ME) OS/program installation screenshot
I made a thread for Windows 9x(95/98/98SE/ME) OS/program installation screenshot.
*OS : Windows 95/98/98SE/ME
This thread is screenshot of Windows 9x OS/Program installation processing.
Please do Not ask the question how to install Windows 9x OS/Program or setup the emulator or VM.
Also do Not discuss about another OS (real DOS / Windows 2000/NT/etc.)
First I attached the Windows 95 Retail installation shot.
*Windows 95 Retail full (English - US / 3.5" Floppy)

You can also download the screenshot from the following.!OosiDIoR!IVW55HShlHUS ... 6plrM0Z7Zs
*OS : Windows 95/98/98SE/ME
This thread is screenshot of Windows 9x OS/Program installation processing.
Please do Not ask the question how to install Windows 9x OS/Program or setup the emulator or VM.
Also do Not discuss about another OS (real DOS / Windows 2000/NT/etc.)
First I attached the Windows 95 Retail installation shot.
*Windows 95 Retail full (English - US / 3.5" Floppy)

You can also download the screenshot from the following.!OosiDIoR!IVW55HShlHUS ... 6plrM0Z7Zs
1) Windows 95 Retail Upgrade (5.25" 1.2MB <--- Non DMF) installation
2) Windows 98 First Edition (3.5" 1.44MB / 1.68MB <-- DMF) installation
It will take a lot of time.
It is very hard to install the FD version than CD-ROM version.
--> This media was available via Microsoft order only.
--> I boot DOS 6.22 and run SETUP on Drive A: (No Windows on Hard Drive)
--> I inserted Disk 1 of Windows 3.0 (English - US / 5.25" Floppy) on Drive B:
You can also download the screenshot from the following.!y88HnRqA!nEhgDg1BRKkj ... GE3o13qHbQ
This retail upgrade doesn't ask product key to install the Windows 95 on HDD.
Also this setup checks Windows setup disk from floppy drive A: or B: unless Windows was installed on HDD.
I put the original disk 1 (Setup disk) of WIndows 3.0 in Drive B instead.
Yes, upgrade checking was passed.
(3.5" Disk 1/3 --> 1.44MB)
(3.5" Disk 2/3 --> 1.68MB DMF)
(3.5" Disk 3/3 --> 1.68MB DMF)
Return of Arcade runs on Windows 3.1x but the installer (setup) file needs Windows 95.
"The setup background shouldn't be showing on the first boot post-install tasks, unless something happened to the installer."
I installed Windows 95 Retail full (Floppy version) on 500MB HDD (No partiion) by booting setup disk.
I don't know that is normal or problem on PC emulator.
"Personally, I would like to see a proper 95 tutorial with required speed fixes, updates, and drivers for the various VMs. I might put one together some time if I ever get a chance."
I hope so.
Also, these "screenshot" threads are not really for conversations. It is a pain in the ass to read conversations when the page has to load 100 screenshots first. These threads are for the benefit of those who just want to see screen shots.
Thanks very much and sorry for inconvenience.
I'll add screenshot of Windows 98 FE with 3.5" media if I have time soon.
You can also download the screenshot from the following.!eo11CDaZ!FXTAIlokWWEF ... HQSBeXNzR8
*Windows 95 Retail full (English - US / 5.25" Floppy) (9137)
(1995 / Microsoft)
(Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 21EA)
--> This media was available via Microsoft order only.
--> I inserted Boot Disk and and run SETUP on Drive A:
*Boot Disk
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
*Disk 4
*Disk 5
*Disk 6
*Disk 7
*Disk 8
*Disk 9
*Disk 10
*Disk 11
*Disk 12
*Disk 13
*Disk 14
*Disk 15
*Disk 16
*Disk 17
*Disk 18
*Disk 19
*Disk 20
*Disk 21
*Windows 95 Retail full (English - US / 5.25" Floppy) (Screenshot) (9138)
(1995 / Microsoft)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 21EA)
--> This media (3.5" 1.44MB Non-DMF) was available via Microsoft order only.
--> I inserted Boot Disk and and run SETUP on Drive A:
*Disk 0 -- Boot Disk
*Disk 1 -- Setup
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
*Disk 4
*Disk 5
*Disk 6
*Disk 7
*Disk 8
*Disk 9
*Disk 10
*Disk 11
*Disk 12
*Disk 13
*Disk 14
*Disk 15
*Disk 16
*Disk 17
*Disk 18
*Disk 19
*Disk 20
*Disk 21