Recompile Linux Kerenl

edited September 2004 in Software
Im gonna attempt to recompile my kernel to, the latest stable kernel there is.

Wish me luck.


  • WoW! Already! I thought the latest was Nemo's (2.4.21)...
    There's terrible with Linux in Russia... no new CDs you can get...
    Well. Good luck, Topher.
  • so, we do...
    any problems?
  • Recompiling a kernel means using your same kernel sources but with a different configuration. You are simply compiling a new kernel. Remember to copy your .config file over.
  • Andrew wrote:
    Remember to copy your .config file over.
    it can not be supported by the other version of kernel
    it is better just to configure it maually
  • Well he didn't say what kernel he was upgrading from. I assume it's a 2.6 series, if not he'll have some problems.
  • I upgraded from a Slackware 8.1 2.4.18 to
  • Well most people would have to do a little more configing upgrading from 2.4 to 2.6.
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