Yeah I need help. I'm trying to start a website, and I don't know what kind of programs I should get (e.g. Apache, Myssql). What programs should I get and what versions are the best. I'm running on a windows platform (if that helps).
What is your website for? Are you hosting any files? Before I'd even start hosting I'd consider how much you restart/turn off your computer and that you have static IP...(cable, DSL..etc).
You don't need PHP 4, MySQL 4.0 or ArGoSoft Mail Server unless you are hosting a forum or setting up a mail server.
If its just a simple website,. download Abyss Web Server and you good to go.
OK. I know PHP and HTML, but I haven't a clue about CGI. I want to host a few files, but not a lot. I'm using DSL, but for some reason the IP changes everytime my brother's computer restarts. So what Dynamic DNS program should I use? like Which is the best?
ok. I want to install php as a module for apache. How do I do this and where in the http.conf file do I put this coding?
Also check out (my current ip) and tell me if you see apache loaded. What you will see is the default apache page. If you see it, let me know. Any problems, let me know. Thank you.
Apache 1.3, PHP 4, MySQL 4.0, FileZilla Server for FTP, ArGoSoft Mail server.
PM, IM, or Email me if you want help setting this up.
EDIT: are you using your own server?
what do you mean am I using my own server? I'm trying to start my own website.
Then your computer will be the server.
Got any way i can IM you?
AIM: dldmn2003
But this won't be until my PC is stable, which it isn't yet. What's your SN's?
You don't need PHP 4, MySQL 4.0 or ArGoSoft Mail Server unless you are hosting a forum or setting up a mail server.
If its just a simple website,. download Abyss Web Server and you good to go.
Id put in PHP cuz you might find some scripts you like.
If you run your own mail server its totally cool but optional.
MySQL will only be used for forums or PHP scripts. Its optional but if you find a script you like or want a phpBB forum, you will need it.
Get PHP 4 and Either Apache or Abyss web server.
than everything else...
If it's going to be a small site, AWS (Can't help it guys, I still like it), otherwise Apache.
I don't know what else you're going to do with it, so I don't know what to recommend.
Also check out (my current ip) and tell me if you see apache loaded. What you will see is the default apache page. If you see it, let me know. Any problems, let me know. Thank you.
[update] I just installed Abyss Web Server also. Try to connect through the same IP using port 82.
Try going to can you connect.
IF YES, gimme your local ip (192.168.X.X) and a screenshot of your router port forwarding.
ALSO set your computer up for a static ip in your router.
Yes and http://localhost work. My local ip is or my bro is
How do I get a screenshot of my router port fowarding? and how to setup for a static ip?
My bro is out of town so I can't ask him till next week.
Me and my bro are the only two connected to the router. He's in the 1st hole and I'm in the 2nd. Maybe that'll help.
NOTE: I'm really trusting you with this information right now... Don't abuse the trust or I'll simply change my ip and lock everyone out.
That should make it work.
Are you sure that the right ports are open?