I Need To Break Into Windows 2000
My son had me help him by phone with a laptop they gave him
from where he used to work. He wanted to install XP and didn't
know if it would work so we made a new primary partition and he
installed XP on it.
It arrived at my home yesterday as a Christmas present to me.
I couldn't believe it.
Now how can I get into the Windows 2000 without a user name
or password. I'm getting into XP fine. Is there some easy way
to hack my way in? I don't know what security it has besides
the passwords. It calls home.

from where he used to work. He wanted to install XP and didn't
know if it would work so we made a new primary partition and he
installed XP on it.
It arrived at my home yesterday as a Christmas present to me.
I couldn't believe it.
Now how can I get into the Windows 2000 without a user name
or password. I'm getting into XP fine. Is there some easy way
to hack my way in? I don't know what security it has besides
the passwords. It calls home.

i guess you could just do a fresh install of 2000...
always the name of the Admin? I can copy Windows 2000 and
"WINNT.EXE" and get any programs I can find but I'm really
committed to hacking it. I am trusted to not have it call home
to his old department because it would be a little embarrassment
to my son who's former boss despite her genorsity does resent that he left
for a higher paying job in another division.
So I'm not going to hook it up to the net until I've busted it.
would have been all I needed 'cauee I just wanted to
take a look. Thanks Q. It's good to know it's there. I will if I can't get ERD
to work for me. If I knew what file the password was in
couldn't I just delete it? Wouldn't it just try to set up a new one?
I downloaded a floppy builder and made a floppy and went in
and got the user name brainstorm, there were a few others to
choose from.
I changed brainstorms pass to not need a password.
booted, ctrl - alt - delete, typed in user as brainstorm left
the password blank and clicked ok.
Something popped up and said it could not log me in as brainstorm
because the ww001 is not available. It has about 100 domains
and I tried about 50 to no avail. I can't remember but I think
he needed to be hooked up to the internet to log on.
The only ones that tried to work grayed out the form for a
little while and tried to get online. And without a connection
it reported back that it failed.
Oh well. What to do now.
romove the restriction from the registry that only allows signing
in online? That's where my hangup is now.
I'm already by the password thing now.
it's trying to do and there could be some algorithms or something.
I've never had or seen a domain before. Now that I got by the password
that's what it's trying to do. I tried to clear the domain box but it wouldn't
let me. It's got domains in Europe and other places but I won't let it get
online 'cause I'm not supposed to.
Weirding me out. If I knew wnat to get delete in it I could do that and
then run the XP as an update even if it wasn't working I think. I'm going
to look inside it in a little while and see if there's anything I want from it.
It's really not worth it I don't guess, I just kind of set my mind on it.
Thanks chigowolfs for all the trouble you're going to but don't strain
yourself too much, it's just my stubborness that makes me keep
PS: This is a real neat thing I got to remove the need for a password if
anybody wants it and it's freely available. It's a .gz file and it's got
at least some BSD in it.
when I click OK it comes back up again and I wasn't able to clear
the third box so it gives me no choice.
Update: I'm looking in it now and it has CryptoEx Security Suite.
this is all fresh in my mind since i've been playing with domain.... what you could do i guess is download a NT server OS..... 3.51 is small and will do that job, you can get it from winworld.... just download it... get another PC hook it to the laptop.. and on the other PC make a new partition install NT 3.51 and when it asks you what role it will play choose Domain controler... now when your asked to chose the name for the PC enter one of the domains that you found.. so that you setup the NT 3.51 partition with the same name... then go into domain manager and add a use name.... like thump or whatever... then go on the 2000 laptop and chose the domain you chose above and enter the user name and password you specifed....
i'm not sure if this will work, you may have to change a few things.... but it might...
know why? cause my school forces 95/98 to log on to a domain..... you can't cancel and you can't get it at all with a domain.... and they thought it was broken... it was just unplugged fromt he network :razz:
Well BlueSun, that explains it a little better to me but don't really help.
I can't log on so I can't change it to change it to local computer.
I don't have any way to hook it to another computer.
I don't have any computers that will work with anything older
than Windows 98.
I can't make that work.
Do you know where that resides exactly on the computer?
Is there any way I could delete it and/or the registry and
reinstall the OS in place?
I don't know. I'll try to think again tomorrow.
there has to be a way to connect two of your PCs together.... and in any case you can runt he domain controller in a VPC ..... you can set it for abotu 16 MB and it wont' take much to run.....
you tell it to log on to the local computer at the logon screen .... here let me pull up 2000 and show ya
thats what my 2000 looks like setup to log on to to the domain user BlueSun... now look on your 2000 does it have the (this computer) this on it?
[Edit by Q: Merged accedental guest posting]
and tried it and of course it didn't work without a network.
No I don't have a patch cable. I did get instructions to make one but
then I saw one really cheap but I haven't ordered it.
I'm sure if you had it you could get in in no time but it would take me
too long to use that approach especially because I'd have to wait for
the patch cable to arrive and take the time to learn how to set up a
Chigowolfs may be onto something though, I don't think one of the
options was Administer but it had about 12 users like Admi001
and Admin0Ze and like that. One of them can probably get in
without the domain if I remove all their passwords.
Plus I have a new program to try to see if I can get in and it'll probably
work. I've got so much to do right now though it's going to be a little
while before I can finish this project.
Thanks everybody,
Might Help.
discouraging. I had changed all the passwords, two with the
little floppy I have and the rest with ERD Commander. I created
a guest account and it still wouldn't work. It's not the password
that's the problem. I thought perhaps it was in the registry that
it had to log into a domain and someone finally told me where it was. I removed the that registry file and replaced it with one that
required no password and hed no domain. It still had the same
unworkable log in thing.
I took out the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers file and formatted the partition
and put back the drivers file and a few more things and installed a clean Windows 2000 over the top of it
but it couldn't use the drivers and so that failed.
Would someone tell me where the domain thing is and if so I'll
remove it as well. I can put it back like it was with a disk image
and delete the domain thing and then perhaps reinstall or at
least then I'd be able to upgrade it to XP with the drivers in