password protecting webpages?

edited July 2004 in Software
is there a way of password protecting webpages. i've tried google but they all seem to need IIS. i'm using abyss



  • Yes there is BOD.
    It's not terribly secure but there's one out now that's
    pretty good. I'll try to find it again and get back to you.
    I hope I still have the link somewhere handy.
  • Can't you do that right in Apache? I think there you protect by dir.

    EDIT: I mean Abyss.
  • Yes, I found the link BOD.
    Now it's Javascript which is seldom used by anyone who
    seriously needs to hide a page but this one uses
    Encription. Here's the link:
  • You can stick it in a directory and use AWS to protect that.

  • In Apache you can use scripts to enable passworded pages. even works for whole directories.

    Theres also some javascripts on that has the same setup.
  • Apaches pass protections so hard to figure out :P
  • And he SAID AWS, no Apache.

  • I know it's easy in Abyss.
  • Yeah, but in apache its living hell.

    can anyone give a step by step example for apache in windows.
  • TCP probably could. He helped me set up Apache back when I had it.
  • i did it in abyss and it works
  • BOD wrote:
    i did it in abyss and it works

    Its soooo easy to do it in abyss, apache is hard.
  • i installed apache, realised my system took ages to boot and uninstalled!
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