Can Virtual Machine be coded and run by looking at sites?
I am thinking of doing a new program, I always want to do x86 Emulator program. Is the code written in any site?
For example, can someone explain how Virtualbox was made with codes?
I am thinking of doing a new program, I always want to do x86 Emulator program. Is the code written in any site?
For example, can someone explain how Virtualbox was made with codes?
VirtualBox was written with C++ and Assembly like any other program. Also, can you tell us more about your project? I'm interested.
The project will be maked with C++. My Project is Mac OS Emulator.
Okay then. I'm hoping it'll be better than SheepShaver and PearPC, and easier to use to. I look forward to it
I'm making a VirtualBox-style GUI for PearPC. If you want, you can check it out later when released (And maybe I'll make a SheepShaver/Basilisk GUI too)
I do not want to do a GUI, SheepShaver and BasiliskII has already have a GUI program.
But I do not know how they are coded. No short of this code?
Search its source code (They're coded in C++ I guess). And I spoke to Bry89 (You saw the Bry89 said, right?). And the new GUI I'm making is an attempt to improve the actual ones.
I don't undersatnd completely, but if you want to see how VirtualBox is coded, you can look here:
I guess that you want instructions about how to code an emulator, am I right?
I did not see the site where Virtualbox was coded.
YES I want to code emulator.
I guess it's a bit "invisible" (Isn't completely clear). But anyway, here it is:

If it isn't enough,
And I recommend you checking this:
In Build instructions
Also see
I’m on mobile, so cannot add an explanation.