Copy of 1.72MB floppies fail
Hi there! I have Microsoft Excel 5.0c in Dutch on eight 1.44MB floppy disks. The only thing is that most of the floppies are formatted with 1.72MB. When I'm trying to load the floppy into WinImage they fail loading at 85% up to 100%, so I can't make any copy of them.
Anybody knows how to get rid of them and make copies of them? I'm using WinImage 8.0.8000 under Windows Millennium Edition.
You aren't using a USB floppy drive are you? USB floppy drives can not read or write DMF disks. You must use a real floppy drive connected to a motherboard FDC or ISA card FDC.
Yes I do :( but thanks!
Hmm. Perhaps you can find someone in your area that can help you archive those disks. Hopefully someone with a real floppy system or a Kryoflux or SuperCard Pro could help.
If this is a desktop computer, I would expect a Windows ME machine to have a motherboard FDC even if a drive was not installed. A laptop, however, would be a different story.