Windows NT 3.x Patches

edited May 2018 in Product Comments

Windows NT 3.x Patches

WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.

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  • Spannish, xD, Its spanish.

  • edited February 2020

    Cool. Good patches. But Spanish one isn't in Spanish.

  • how do i install nt 3.51 service pack 5

  • SP5 for Alpha is missing.
  • SP2, SP1 CSD002, and SP1 CSD001 for Windows NT 3.1 is missing
  • "SoftWitch March 18 Flag SP5 for Alpha is missing."
    "xX420MCplayerXx 3:05PM Flag SP2, SP1 CSD002, and SP1 CSD001 for Windows NT 3.1 is missing"

    Stop this nonsense. WinWorld is not Walmart or an auto parts store, nor your personal one-stop shopping center.

    They are not f**king MISSING.

    A quick search engine result shows places that have them.
    "Service Pack 1 & 2
    Nov 11, 2012 — SP1 is in two versions and both of them are in the FTP: these are CSD001 and CSD002. Service Pack 2 is also on the FTP, but its full and ..."

    "Windows NT 3.1x
    Jan 7, 2022 — Windows NT 3.1 (+SP1). 3.10.528 (+SP1) (English) · 3.10.528 (+SP1) Advanced Server. Windows NT 3.1 SP1. 3.10.528 SP1 (CSD001) · 3.10.528 SP1 ( ..."

    "Windows NT 3.51 (SP5) for MIPS, i386, PowerPC, Alpha
    Aug 28, 2022 — I decided to preserve these files of SP5 just in case it gets taken down by a website that doesn't work.- Notes: SP5_351A is for Alpha-based ...

  • @02k-guy
    Wow. No need to so dang rude dude. You do realize you can just share the links (Not the BetaArchive ones because like only 17 people have download access there) right? When people say "x build is missing", they mean its not on WinWorldPC. Also, it's pretty dang obvious that WinWorldPC is not Wal-Mart, or an auto parts store, or, in your words "your personal one-stop shopping center". Especially since WinWorldPC is completely free to use, and everyone can download from it. Also, as far as I can tell, WinWorldPC is mostly hosted from ad revenue and the rest is from donations, so your comparison to stores doesn't make any sence.
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