[OFFER] Windows ME Swedish (FIXED ISO)

So I just fixed up an ISO of Windows ME in Swedish because the original one got me an ISO-9660 Error when I try to access the ISO with a MS-DOS or Windows ME bootdisk! Enjoy!

And also, no, the ISO is not bootable. You have to use a bootdisk.

Download Link:


  • Could you also make the ISO bootable? AFAIK it's possible using several tools, e.g. Daemon Tools which lets you to set a file as a boot file (And even to boot it as a floppy 1.44, floppy 2.88 and even as HD, this is how the Windows 9x ISOs are bootable, they integrate a boot floppy into the image and boot from there)

  • @SistemaRayoXP said:
    Could you also make the ISO bootable? AFAIK it's possible using several tools, e.g. Daemon Tools which lets you to set a file as a boot file (And even to boot it as a floppy 1.44, floppy 2.88 and even as HD, this is how the Windows 9x ISOs are bootable, they integrate a boot floppy into the image and boot from there)

    I don't know how to do that.

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