[OFFER] Assorted crap
A few months ago I happened upon a big box of old boxed and loose DOS software at a flea market. I later uploaded some PFS First Publisher expansion disks and promised I'd have the rest of the software later. Jump three months, and...
Power Up! Software's Company Ladder v1.01 (1ct 3.5" disk) - company organizational chart software
Aspen Software's Grammatik IV v2.0 (rB.6) (1ct 3.5" disk)
IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 Starter Diskette 1.00 (80X0721) (1ct 3.5" disk)
Kyocers Unison's PrintMaster Plus v2.0 (IBM PC & Compatibles) (1ct 3.5" disk)
Smith Micro Software's QuickLink II: Class 1 & Class 2 (Windows & DOS) (QSRW-DL3) (1ct 3.5" disk)
MicroTac Software's Spanish Assistant v4.06 (1ct 3.5" disk) - translate text files from Spanish to English and vice versa, also a WordPerfect extension?
Channelmark Corporation's The Program Director (03151422332(6)) (1ct 3.5" disk) - create menus of DOS commands
ArtSoft's (fka TriSoft) Whereabouts Deluxe v1.1 (Volume 1) (2ct 3.5" disks) - display custom messages to passersby of your computer
Disk 1/2 - https://mega.nz/#!H6gHjKAL!DJsoHDz3Z_2MIys4ettC34bleUqMkN1_-2t3ipXOasw
Disk 2/2 - https://mega.nz/#!K6ollY4K!jKJv2qmnBUj0SEh2Syaki1hPxWx0pUkSfGuJq-iKH5w
As before, some of the boxes came with 5.25" disks, but I don't have the means to image those yet. I DID finally acquire a 5.25" floppy drive (thank god for flea markets) but I'll need to buy the interface to my main PC.
Notes: I for the life of me can't get Whereabouts Deluxe to work after installed, and installing the DOS version of Smith Micro Software hangs the OS VirtualBox, but the rest works fine as far as I've used them. Version 1.02 of IBM PS/2 Model 30 starter diskette is already available online. The one I have is version 1.00. Grammatik IV v2.0 is already uploaded to WWPC, but above is the image for the 3.5" disk I have, instead of the 5.25" image that's already uploaded.
Some of this software is hard to navigate without the manuals, so I'll try to scan them as soon as I get the time - so perhaps another few months.
Both the dumps of Company Ladder and QuickLink were imperfect, so those links are now deleted (I'll explain below). Here are some more accurate dumps of each:
Company Ladder (revised):
QuickLink II (revised):
The dumps I uploaded before contained config files that the software wrote to their own floppy disks when they were first ran by the original owner of the disks. These config files have a modified date more recent than their own software's program files and alter the softwares' behavior slightly. To correct this, I simply attached copies of the original dumps to MS-DOS in VirtualBox and deleted the offending config files. These modified dumps without the config files are what's linked in this post.
Doing it this way both preserves the file structure of the disks and the directory structure of the software as they were shipped.
Also I figured out why QuickLink II didn't work in VirtualBox: I hadn't configured any serial ports. I've got it to work now.
Scans for Spanish Assistant v4.06:
No OCR for the manual this time- trying to add it just freezes gscan2pdf.
@ibmpc5150 @SomeGuy Would it be unwise to create new threads just for posting scans? I don't want to clog up this subforum with a bunch new threads as I get these scans done, but I also don't want to annoy you guys by @ - ing you every time I post the new scans as replies to this thread. Tell me which way you guys prefer, and I'll follow it.
Scans for Whereabouts Deluxe v1.1:
Note the lovely stickers covering up every instance of "ArtSoft" on the box. Speaking of which, I was wrong in the OP: it's supposed to be "TriSoft (fka ArtSoft)".
After trying to get this to work in VirtualBox and DOSBox and QEMU to no luck, I'm deeming this software cursed. Which is a shame because some of the messages look funny as hell. The contents of the box are chock full of hilarity on their own, really.
Thanks for uploading. Of course I had to check out the PS/2 diskette first.
All programs are in COM format.

The usual COMMAND.COM was replaced by a custom menu system!


Trying to run SERVICES.COM

Again, feel free to use my screenshots.
Scans for Company Ladder v1.01:
Scans for The Program Director:
Here's a review for Company Ladder in PCMag:
I'd really prefer if box/disk scans were posted at the same time as the software. Otherwise I'll lose track of it. Modifying and re-uploading something I have already added the the library is a bit of a pain.
Manual pdfs I already often add separately anyway, especially if they are large.
Fair enough, I'll keep that in mind. I've tried to align my uploading of the software and the scans between the dates listed in the RSS feed (seems to happen every 2 weeks) but I can't be too sure.
All the boxed software are out of the way. The rest are just loose floppies, which I'll have scanned shortly.
Ignore the MEGA links to the manual scans above.
I hate to renege on my promise above, but I'm so pissed off with gscan2pdf's shitty job at making OCRs that it prompted me to do some research. I found a simple script that, with some tweaking, does such a better job than gscan2pdf at generating OCRs that words can't describe. This script even managed to get the manual for Spanish Assistant OCRed, whereas gscan2pdf just froze.
So here are links to all the materials cleaned up, re-OCRed and re-zipped, along with the corresponding disk image links:
And here's all the disk images for the software that came loose (still have to scan labels):
Sorry for the mess.
And now for the rest.
My image of Grammatik IV v2.0 is obviously from a copy, but the files on it have an earlier modified date than the 5.25" version WinWorld already hosts so idk.
Found out my image of QuickLink II is version 3.0.3:

Thanks very much for offering nice program (3.5" format)
P.S. 5.25" format would be more nice for me, hehehe.