[OFFER] Gateway 2000 System CD v3.0 with Windows 3.1
Came in a jewel case with booklet for manual.
Gateway 2000 System CD v3.0 (OPT0009D03, with Windows 3.1) (1ct CD-ROM) (SHA1: b5e1e8ec51cad8ef8ed08df954d8996cacfa653e)
As listed on the back, the CD contains:
- ANYKEY - The AnyKey keyboard program
- ATIVIDEO - The current ATI video drivers
- DRIVERS - The current CD-ROM drivers
- GALLERY - Gateway Wallpapers
- HYPER - Windows 3.1 HyperGuide, part of the Microsoft Multimedia Pack*
- MALL - The Gateway Mall*
- MMPACK - Microsoft Multimedia Pack version 1.0*
- MOUSE - Microsoft Mouse Drivers
- OLG - Several Online Guides for your system
- QAPLUS - A diagnostic program called QAPlus
- SAMPLES - Sample Media
- SCRNCRZE - Screen Savers
- SPEAKER - A sound driver program
- VFWRUN - The Runtime version of Video for Windows
- VIDTEST - Video test
- VIPERVID - The Viper Card video drivers
- WDVIDEO - The current Western Digital video drivers
- WINDOWS - Microsoft Windows 3.1
*System CD must be in drive to install
This version of Windows 3.1 is not vanilla. Some of the utilities listed above are installed on top of Windows using the Windows 3.1 installer, and the installer defaults the wallpaper to one of Gateway's own, though the splash screen is no different from regular Windows 3.1. None of these utilities are present in the Gateway Nomad 486 disk images listed in the 3.1 page.
The inside of manual states
Most of the material on the System CD is preinstalled on your hard disk at the factory; the CD serves only as a backup.
The version of DiagSoft QAPlus included was developed specifically for Gateway.
The last modified date of any file on disc is July 13, 1993.
Scans to come.
I usually don't care about fancy wallpapers, but this made me staring at it with big eyes and a smile.
Eletronics-guys can't resist
Thank you!
I have always wondered if its possible to make a custom CD for another computer that can use windows 3.1x with this iso? I have always wanted to make a custom restore CD for some of my windows 3.1x computers.
Here's that cool wallpaper in png in 3 colors.

I found a few more... they are awesome

Material scans (cover art, manual with OCR, disc):