Looking for a Sharp "Wizard"

I might as well put the useless details up front. I've got a nikon f90x, complete with all the extra gizmos you can tinker with. One of the "fancy" thingies is the ac/2e data system which involves the actual ac/2e program card, mc-27 com cable to strap to the camera, and a one-of-a-kind Sharp electronic data organizer aka "Wizard." The system allows me to produce custom programs for the camera(quite useful) and enable useless features such as a beep function for random nonsense events the camera decides to honk at(it was embarassing.)
I was out on a paid venture one day when some friendly texting zombie made brief contact with me, causing the Sharp wizard to fly out of my hands. I'm 60 euro richer(about how much I got it for a decade ago) and now without the device.

So I'm on the hunt for another compatible gadget to replace this one. According to the ac2/e manual(and wikipedia) any sharp wizard iq/oz 8000 or 9000 series device will do. Hopefully this an okay place to ask around, rather than hop on another forum to register to just ask one thing.
Yes I've looked on ebay, actually found 2 or 3 that might actually work. But I'd rather help support someone around here if at all possible.


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