Older web forum software
Wasn't sure if this should go under programming or here...
I'm looking for some web forum scripts/software that would be from the mid to late 90's. Something that would be compatable and usable in IE4/Netscape Navigator and such. I understand their will be security risks with running it.
Thanks for any help/direction on this.
If you just want compatibility, then you don't necessarily need old software. Just a theme built to work with older browsers.
Could you point him into the right direction? What kind of labels can or cannot he use in the formatting?
You could start by looking up older HTML specs, but a lot of old browsers didn't pass standards compatibility, so the best way may just be a guess and check while developing. CSS support in those older browsers is fairly limited, so probably best to avoid it whenever possible. Start with a basic HTML template for the software you're usin and modify from there.
There might even be a template already available depending on what forum software you go with.
You could try an old version of phpBB.