Mac OS X Developer Previews



  • @Missileboi it's not easy, and you must experiment with the settings. The main thing to keep in mind is replicate a machine it's designed for (I choose to use g3beige and spoof the machine as the Blue and White Power Macintosh G3, or PowerMac1,1) since it checks to see if it's on a supported machine.

  • @ubuntuxp said:
    @Missileboi it's not easy, and you must experiment with the settings. The main thing to keep in mind is replicate a machine it's designed for (I choose to use g3beige and spoof the machine as the Blue and White Power Macintosh G3, or PowerMac1,1) since it checks to see if it's on a supported machine.

    Can you please tell me the steps on how to do it?

  • Thanks to an Emaculation thread, I managed to get closer and install the base system. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to do after that since I cannot seem to boot to the hard disk properly.

  • If you read the Apple Partition map you can see what partition you need to load. For me, since I had two partitions, one for Mac OS 9 and the other for Mac OS X DP3, I had to manually load the partition to actually get it to recognize. My partition location was 7, so with autoboot disabled, I typed the following: boot hd:7,\\:tbxi; this loaded Mac OS X.

    My Partition table:
    1: Apple: Apple_partition_map
    2: Macintosh: Apple_Driver_ATA
    3: Macintosh: Apple_Driver_ATA
    4: Macintosh: Apple_Driver_IOKit
    5: Patch Partition: Apple_Patches
    6: untitled: Apple_HFS (Macintosh HD OS 9)
    7: MOSX_OF3_Booter: Apple_Boot (Macintosh HD OS X) [Loader]
    8: SecondaryLoader: Apple_Loader
    9: Hard Drive: Apple_HFS (Macintosh HD OS X)
    10: Extra: Apple_Free

    Let me know if you continue to run into issues.

  • edited August 2019

    This is for DP1. Booting to partition 7 results in "no valid state". Partition 9 works, but then I get stumped with the packager somehow being unable to find the installation CD needed to finish installation. That's as far as most people got. Unlike Server 1.x, you cannot boot the hard disk from the CD since if you do so, it will keep treating it as you're installing the build again and fail to find the disk to install anyways.

  • You must start DP1 installation from a second Mac OS 9 disk and go through the steps until you get an error saying that it unable to set boot-device (at this point it'll mark the target volume for installation). From there boot DP1 install CD from partition 9.

  • I can do that. But after the base installation I can boot to the hard drive to a "cannot find Mac OS X CD" error from Packager. That's the same thing Cat_7 encountered on Emaculation.

  • So DP1 can run, albeit it needs a lot of work. DP2, DP3 and DP4 run just fine.
  • How can I run this on QEMU and what should I do to do stuff like format the HD and all that stuff?
  • What about sheepshaver?
  • @helloisthispizzahut
    Sheepshaver will only run 7.5.2 up to 9.0.4, the DPs will only run in QEMU.
  • What version of QEMU because I am running Windows 7 on my computer?
  • I tried to install DP2 in QEMU by qemu-system-ppc -sdl -M mac99,via=pmu-adb -cpu g3 -m 256 -hda osxsrv10.vmdk -cdrom MacOSX_developer_preview_2.iso -boot d

    It wouldn't work.
  • @helloisthispizzahut

    This install command works for me:

    qemu-system-ppc.exe -L pc-bios -boot d -m 512 -M g3beige -cpu g3 -prom-env "boot-device=cd:9,\\:tbxi" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -prom-env "vga-ndrv?=true" -drive file=MacOSX_developer_preview_2.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom -drive file=MacOSX_developer_preview_2.img,format=raw,media=disk -sdl -netdev user,id=network01 -device sungem,netdev=network01
  • And what is the command for using Mac OS 9.1 to format HDD in QEMU?
  • edited April 2022
    Never mind, I got it. Here is how I got to install DP2:
    1st: qemu-img create image.img 2g
    2nd: qemu-system-ppc -L qemu-screamer/pc-bios -cpu "g4" -M mac99,via=pmu -m 512 -hda image.img -cdrom "macos_91_ppc.iso" -boot d -g 1024x768x32
    3rd: qemu-system-ppc.exe -L pc-bios -boot d -m 512 -M g3beige -cpu g3 -prom-env "boot-device=cd:9,\\:tbxi" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -prom-env "vga-ndrv?=true" -drive file=MacOSX_developer_preview_2.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom -drive file=image.img,format=raw,media=disk -sdl -netdev user,id=network01 -device sungem,netdev=network01
    4th: qemu-system-ppc.exe -L pc-bios -boot c -m 512 -M g3beige -cpu g3 -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -prom-env "boot-args=-v" -prom-env "vga-ndrv?=true" -drive file=image.img,format=raw,media=disk -sdl -netdev user,id=network01 -device sungem,netdev=network01

    At the 4th step, you can just log in as "root" and there is no password. Also, you need MacOS 9.1 to format and initalize the HDD. (I used QEMU from July 2020)
  • I have been trying to install DP1 in QEMU (a version from July 2020), but I do not know what to do. Can you please give me the command lines to do so please and thank you?
  • @helloisthispizzahut You are not supposed to start bootup from CD.
  • edited October 2022
    How do i download the developer previews on mac???
    I mean like how to run them with qemu.
  • edited May 2023
    @asdf1167 You should need QEMU 4.0 installed, then, do these following settings:

    Firstly, you'll need to create a 2G drive with:

    qemu-img.exe create -f raw -o size=2G dp3.img

    You then need to initiallise the disk in Mac OS9, Then launch Qemu with:

    qemu-system-ppc -L pc-bios -m 256 -hda ./dp3.img -cdrom ./dp3.iso -boot d -prom-env "auto-boot?=false" -M g3beige -cpu g3 -prom-env "boot-args=-v"

    That launches Open Bios, in Open Bios type:

    boot cd:9,\:tbxi (There should be two back slashes in this command, not one as shown)

    Press enter and it will launch straight into the installer. When it's finished installing shut down qemu and boot into the hard disk with:

    qemu-system-ppc -L pc-bios -m 256 -hda ./dp3.img -cdrom ./dp3.iso -boot c -prom-env "auto-boot?=true" -M g3beige -cpu g3 -prom-env "boot-args=-v"

    That will do it.

    Huge credit to @jonirob for the transcript of installing Mac OS DP2 or DP3 on QEMU.
  • Has anyone made progress in getting DP1 running under emulation?
  • edited September 2024

    I've recently been messing about with the new Dingus PPC emulator and I've managed to boot the DP1 ISO. It formats the HD and all goes OK until the installation starts and it throws up a "System Error-36 occurred." Frustrating!

  • @jonirob That is a very interesting development! This should allow DP1 to finally be achievable in emulation, without resorting to using QEMU, which requires device-model and device-property to be modified manually, and even then, I personally had little success.

    Let's wait and see where this will end up.
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