[OFFER] Various Old Linux ISOs
Hi! Would you be interested in some older Linux ISOs? I’ve got these:
- Mandrake 5.1
- Mandrake 7.0 Gold Pack
- Mandrake 7.1 (two-CD version)
- Slackware 7.1 (Walnut Creek 4CD set)
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 (install & documentation discs)
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 SPARC
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (install & documentation discs)
- Red Hat Linux 9 (install & documentation discs)
I would like those! Could you please give the link?
I would really appreciate it.
Which ones more specifically?
I would prefer Red Hat Linux 6.2 (install & documentation disks) and Mandrake 5.1 but if possiable, could you upload all?
I would like all of them. Some of these are hard to find as the free versions don’t include some software.
you can get them from here:
Mandrake 5.1: https://archive.org/download/mandrake-5.1-i386
RedHat 6.2: http://archive.download.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/6.2/en/iso/i386/
I’ll upload them to WinWorld soon.