OS/2 Warp 4 OS/2 Warp 4.0

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WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.
XDF format is very well described at http://www.os2museum.com/wp/the-xdf-diskette-format/
where do i get a product key from
Wow that was weird seeing the first half of my s/n... Did you check inside the zip file?
I don't think OS/2 Warp ever made use of product keys.
That aside, my uncle used to work for IBM and told me about how great this OS supposedly was.
So I secured an ISO of Warp 4.5 Server for e-Business and made the three boot floppies so I could install it on my IBM 300GL. When I inserted the CD, for some BS reason the installation wouldn't proceed.
In fact, by the time that PC was manufactured (1999) it appears that IBM didn't have much faith in the OS; the manual lists only Windows 95-2000 as supported OSes (my T41 does officially support Warp 4.51 though).
I think it had similar boot partition size restrictions to NT 4.0 (I set aside a 15 GB partition so that may have been my problem), which may have been resolved with 4.5x but I'm not sure.
In the San Jose Mercury News, Fry's Electronics full back-page ad for the launch for OS/2 misspelled the name as "WRAP" [sic] multiple times, and in an extremely large font.
Someone has to fix the Cloudflare Download for OS2 Warp 4 CD edition, because it is incomplete.
Something I wonder is: What does WIN-OS2 mean, and what was it's purpose? Was it to replace Windows 3.1 or just a demo?
WIN-OS/2 is the Win16 subsystem in OS/2 (basically a modified copy of Windows 3.11 complete with Program/File Manager), which allows OS/2 users to seamlessly run Windows 3.x applications in the OS.
Someone knows, how to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on this OS?
Can you also install Windows 3.x software on it?
Yes. Some like MS Bob need some extra steps that amount to moving files around though.
And there's something called Odin to run win32 software.
I tried to get this running under Qemu 4.2.0 but it crashes.
Sorry my comment refers to Warp 4.52. I will try 4.0 but I expect the same result.
Well with Warp 4.0 Qemu seems to be stuck on "Loading system files". I'll let it sit but it's been almost 10 minutes with no change.
Well twice I've gotten pretty far with the install for Warp 4.0 but it seems to get stuck on "Installing Network Adapters and Protocol Services". I'll leave it on overnight and will check tomorrow if it's still there.
Try using VirtualBox!
Actually, I've run in to a similar issue in VirtualBox with 4.0. After installation it will just sit there at the boot screen. After a very long time it will actually continue and get to the desktop. Once the fixpacks are all installed (assuming the fixpack installation doesn't crap out) that problem will go away.
I managed to get it all up and running very easily on my 486DX-4-100. Runs a tad slow due to the machine specs. But really great to see it in action. I'll try it on my P75 when I replace the Dallas RTC battery.
Also, what CPU (IRL) can run it? i386DX, 486 or straight up Pentium's and K6es?
I have it installed in 86Box, it installs and runs without any problems.
Also, what CPU did you choose? Will i486 work, or do I need Pentium MMX?
Use the Installation disk first.
This is my 86Box configuration:
Machine: [486 ISA] AMI 486 clone
CPU Type: i486SX/16
Memory: 32 MB
Display: [ISA] Trident TVGA8900D
Input: Microsoft Serial Mouse
Sound: [ISA] Sound Blaster 16
Hard Disk: IDE(0:0) 63 Sectors 16 Heads 2448 Cylinders
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44M
CD-ROM: ATAPI (0:1) Speed 8x.
I'm facing problems with HDD. After insertion of DISK-2, it says some kind of error with C: drive [SYS0039: The C: device is not Ready]. I'm trying to resolve it, I'll let you know. I'm tired for now, thanks.
Edit: Does this have any kind of bug(s) with some CPU's?
As for system requirements, I think OS/2 up to v 4.0 is an 'OS/2' system in the bios settings, which affected how memory was addressed. 4.5 uses the 'non-OS/2' setting. Be careful also if the fixed disk is set out for LBA or whatever. This was coming in at the time. You might need to set it to CHS type settings. This is the cause of Cortex's problems.
On 2nd disks, 86BOX gives error: "OS/2 is unable to operate your hard disk or diskette drive. The system is stopped. correct the preceding error and restart the system."
I've tried different floppy controllers (using 486DX2 w/ AMI), set BIOS to 2.88 and 1.44 disks. HDD is set as
1023 Cyl
15 Head
17 Sector
For HCX, the img to hfe conversion isn't working, so it won't boot the images. (MS-DOS 3.00 img works fine converted to HFE, not sure what issue is on these OS/2 images).
Machine: [Socket 7] ASUS P/I-P55T2P4
CPU Type: AMD K6/266
Memory: 128 MB
Display: ATI Video Xpression (Mach64 VT2)
Input: Microsoft Intellimouse (PS/2)
Sound: Sound Blaster AWE32
Hard Disk: Standard IDE, 17 Sectors, 15 Headers, 1023 Cylinders, 127MB
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 2.88M
Network Driver: Realtek Systems RTL8029AS
Sorry if PRNTSCRN Error.