windows 95 upgrade

edited April 2017 in Software
Recently I formated my old laptop, how can I use the win 95 upgrade 3 1/2 set without a previous windows program? no cd rom, or usb, or enet.


  • All you need is Disk 1 from Windows 3.1 to do that. Not hard really.
  • viewtopic.php?f=36&t=8317

    I installed Windows 95 Upgrade edition ago.

    Upgrade check can locate previous Windows 3.x or OS/2 2.x disk 1 if it isn't installed on HDD.
  • Holy resurrection batman... This thread is older than some of the new members.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Holy resurrection batman... This thread is older than some of the new members.
    Yeah, what exactly was the point of bringing this 13yr old thread back? ibmpc5150's post doesn't really add anything new.
  • Some forums get you for reposting, some forums get you for necroposting. We get you for necroposting, I think.
  • Oh, sorry for inconvenience, hehehe.

    I would not post it on old thread if admin(Ka0s) didn't mention about "All you need is Disk 1 from Windows 3.1 to do that. Not hard really."
  • lol this thread has the same title, as my new thread from today.
  • It was pointless to bump such an old and vague thread.
This discussion has been closed.