I don't think you can post images from product pages. It needs to be done from the forum thread. When leaving a comment, there will be an image icon on the toolbar above the comment you're typing.
No, it's like the picture is messed up. As you know, i'm using VGA in VMware Player, but VGA is fully compatible with EGA (which Windows Alpha has, that's how I successfully ran Windows Alpha on VMware Player, on MS-DOS 5), I mean, it is compatible with CGA, not so much. I get this picture:
I have never tried to run DR5 on VMware Player but I suspect there is something wrong with the driver. However, it seems to be a problem cause by VMware's imperfect VGA emulation since jb881122's patched driver works on all other emulators and hypervisors. I suggest you replace both the display and cursor routine with patched ones (if not done already). It also looks like your Windows installations are a bit messy so reinstalling from scratch could help. If it still doesn't work, install this in 86Box or PCem.
I installed Windows 1.0 DR5 on VMware with ms-dos 2.11, but when I try to open Windows 1.00 DR5, it says "Boot : Unable to load mouse" and doesn't open. How can I open it? 😖
If I edit Windows 1.00 DR5's MOUSE.EXE to Windows 1.00 Premiere's, I only get that message. But if I don't edit Windows 1.00 DR5's MOUSE.EXE, I get this message too : "Boot : Can't load MOUSE.EXE"
@vio08 VMware only support PS/2 mouse which DR5 does not support. Download jb881122's patch here and run a DOS PS/2 mouse driver before starting Windows. There is absolute no way you can get a Windows 2.x PS/2 mouse driver to work on DR5 since the NE format is totally different.
If you dont want to type ctmouse everytime on startup then: Go to the root of the c drive. Type "edlin autoexec.bat". Press Enter. Type i1. Then type "echo off". Press ENTER. Type "path C:\;C:\WINDOWS\TEST;C:\WINDOWS\BIN". Press Enter. Type "ctmouse >nul". Press CTRL + C (two times). Then type "e". Press Enter. Also, you don't need to type kernel when you go do this modification. You can go to the test folder by a shortcut using "cd \windows\test". Type "mswin". It should start Windows.
I thought about porting an actual Windows PS/2 mouse driver to Windows 1.0 Alpha Release and DR5 but I gave up. I recompiled the PS/2 mouse driver for Alpha Release and it decided to not load MS-DOS Executive (I got it to work once but too unstable). DR5 on the other hand simply refuses to boot with my ported driver (some ordinals messed up or something).
I have attached the DR5 port in case anyone would like to have a go at it.
I installed Windows 1.00 DR5 with MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba. 1. I put "CTMOUSE.EXE" in the MS-DOS Disk. 2. I changed the "MOUSE.EXE" that is in the Windows Disk. 3. I put the EGA Graphic files in the Windows Disk.
@vio08 I think you can do this with Windows Alpha, but you don't have to copy a MOUSE.EXE, you only need to run CuteMouse driver. You can do a bare install of it. When it gets to the graphics selection, pick EGA. This also works in Toshiba dos.
Also could you send me a video of you installing it?
@vio08 (windows alpha) You can run DOS applications if you include the Test folder in Windows Alpha. For example: Boot into DOS. Type "path C:\WINDOWS\TEST". Run windows and go to the root and you should be able to run a DOS application in a window.
Screenshot down here when I get a chance OBS did not save my recording.
@MCSInside If you're using VMware and having problems, you can see my video! :
I used MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba OEM, Windows 1.00 Developer Release 5, EGAHIBW.CIN, EGAHIBW.DIN, CTMOUSE.EXE, and edited MOUSE.EXE! The file is here : https://blog.naver.com/vio08/222110135780, and it works!!!
I used MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba OEM, Windows 1.00 Developer Release 5, EGAHIBW.CIN, EGAHIBW.DIN, CTMOUSE.EXE, and edited MOUSE.EXE! The file is here : https://blog.naver.com/vio08/222110135780, and it works!!!
More memories... someone gave me the disks for this back in the day.. I remember running it and thinking...'yes but whats the use. I still can only run one DOS box.'. Multitasking did eventuate... I think it was DR DOS (driven by Int 8 calls haha).
I Just found a pdf file that can recreate Windows Development release 4 if somebody just recreates the disks by using this document, DR4 is possible. it may not work like the ACTUAL dr4 but it may be a close recreation.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QLqbhKoHxLAKAsZHCdrjb7-UBv_ag50e/view
If you mean low resolution (if it looks like the image I posted in May), there are some drivers in this BetaArchive thread.
I don't think you can post images from product pages. It needs to be done from the forum thread. When leaving a comment, there will be an image icon on the toolbar above the comment you're typing.
If I edit Windows 1.00 DR5's MOUSE.EXE to Windows 1.00 Premiere's, I only get that message.
But if I don't edit Windows 1.00 DR5's MOUSE.EXE, I get this message too : "Boot : Can't load MOUSE.EXE"
VMware only support PS/2 mouse which DR5 does not support. Download jb881122's patch here and run a DOS PS/2 mouse driver before starting Windows. There is absolute no way you can get a Windows 2.x PS/2 mouse driver to work on DR5 since the NE format is totally different.
Also make sure you get a EGA/VGA patch as VMware does not support CGA fully.
You can get it here: https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=41278
And I'll work on a patch so you can run the batch file which copies all the drivers for VMware on DR 5...
My Windows 1.00 DR5 Video
But do I have to install Cutemouse every time I turn on ms-dos?
And if I want to open Windows, do I have to write "kernel"?
Go to the root of the c drive. Type "edlin autoexec.bat". Press Enter. Type i1. Then type "echo off". Press ENTER. Type "path C:\;C:\WINDOWS\TEST;C:\WINDOWS\BIN". Press Enter. Type "ctmouse >nul". Press CTRL + C (two times). Then type "e". Press Enter.
Also, you don't need to type kernel when you go do this modification. You can go to the test folder by a shortcut using "cd \windows\test". Type "mswin". It should start Windows.
I have attached the DR5 port in case anyone would like to have a go at it.
I installed Windows 1.00 DR5 with MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba.
1. I put "CTMOUSE.EXE" in the MS-DOS Disk.
2. I changed the "MOUSE.EXE" that is in the Windows Disk.
3. I put the EGA Graphic files in the Windows Disk.
I think you can do this with Windows Alpha, but you don't have to copy a MOUSE.EXE, you only need to run CuteMouse driver. You can do a bare install of it. When it gets to the graphics selection, pick EGA. This also works in Toshiba dos.
Also could you send me a video of you installing it?
You can see my video here! (Download here)
You can run DOS applications if you include the Test folder in Windows Alpha.
For example:
Boot into DOS. Type "path C:\WINDOWS\TEST". Run windows and go to the root and you should be able to run a DOS application in a window.
Screenshot down here when I get a chance
OBS did not save my recording.
(+Add) Wow! Your screenshot is cool!
and your welcome!!
i'm on betaarchive!
I used MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba OEM, Windows 1.00 Developer Release 5, EGAHIBW.CIN, EGAHIBW.DIN, CTMOUSE.EXE, and edited MOUSE.EXE!
The file is here : https://blog.naver.com/vio08/222110135780, and it works!!!
I used MS-DOS 2.11 Toshiba OEM, Windows 1.00 Developer Release 5, EGAHIBW.CIN, EGAHIBW.DIN, CTMOUSE.EXE, and edited MOUSE.EXE!
The file is here : https://blog.naver.com/vio08/222110135780, and it works!!!