Windows 95 95 Demo

edited January 2019 in Product Comments

imageWindows 95 95 Demo

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  • Is there an EGA version?

  • Since Windows 95 did not support EGA, I doubt it.

  • So, I assume Windows 3.0 was the last one to support CGA, then.
  • windows 95 support ega actually you can install windows 95 in MDA
  • edited February 24
    "windows 95 support ega actually you can install windows 95 in MDA"

    Via Google:
    "No, Windows 95 did not originally support EGA, but it was possible to install it on EGA using a workaround.

    - Windows 95 did not include EGA support in its original release.
    - However, some users were able to install and use Windows 95 on EGA by upgrading from Windows 3.x.
    - This workaround resulted in some vertical stretching, but it was still possible to use."
  • And, coincidentally - this just uploaded:

    "Microsoft Windows 95 - Interactive Demo & Sampler"
    "Requires Windows 3.0 or higher, 4MB RAM, 386DX/25, Windows-compatible sound card recommended."

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