I need help on making an FTP server with bulletproof server
Q, this is your forte. What do I need to do to set up an FTP server? I want to host files.
I am on a linksys 4 port router switch.
I am on a linksys 4 port router switch.
if you want i will do it later.
PS: this thread is not just for Q to respond to.
1ce it's installed, you have to configure passivemode (tell it what your external IP is ( and what port to use. The standard is 21.
Then go here and look up your router and forward 21 to it.
On BPFTP svr or FZSvr goto user manager (On FZ this is an icon with a face and computer on it). Add a new user, set a passwd if you want and make sure you set a shared folder (This is what they see when they login).
That was a rough and rather uncouth walkthough, post if you have more detailed troubles.
If you want to do it the free way, I'd recommend FZFTP Server (filezilla.sf.net). Fish uses the BPFTP server, which is shareware. Pick your choice, and then the more expert one of us will advise.
From ( http://filezilla.sf.net/ ) download the lastest version of FZ Server (Should be called FileZilla_Server_0_9_3.exe ). Run the installer and select your preferances. The Setup settings are pretty good by default, although you may want to change the startup option if you want this running only for certain things.
Once setup completes the Server Interface will load, and you'll get a dialog box. You can select "Always connect to this server" and hit <Enter>.
Then click the gearwheel in the toolbar and change some settings. You many want to run it on a port other then 21, I'd remove the version # display from the welcome message, you MAY have to setup passive mode IPs if you've got an internal network, and you can enable MODE Z if you want to.
To setup a user, click the profile and computer icon the toolbar and then "Add" under "Users". Then you can specify a password, the max speed they can use, and what folders they can access.
Ask about any particulars if you need them.
ftp://(YourIPhere)/ or if you've gotten a dynamic DNS ftp://condef.ddnsproviderhere.tld/. If you want to specify the user they are to login as, ftp://user@addr/, or ftp://user:password@addr/.
I set up a ddns at no-ip.com. It goes to filezilla but the log indicates that the login or password was incorrect.
PM or thump@draac.com