[ OFFER ] Shareware "SIMULATE CGA" for Hercules graphics cards
I found this disk in a big box of old software and it's proven invaluable for running CGA programs on a Hercules graphics card with an IBM 5150 computer with an IBM 5151(green monochrome) monitor. Is there any interest in adding it to the library?
We don't normally add shareware to the Winworld archive unless there is some specific benefit to the community. Simcga is available in many, many shareware archives, and was (and still is) a very popular program. BTW, the guy who wrote it is a regular poster over at the vcfed.org forums.
That said, SimCGA is a very clever program, and a perfect example of making a piece of hardware do something that is was not designed to do.
Sill, thanks for mentioning it, and that looks like a very nice machine you have there.