[REQ] Clean dump of MSVCPP 6.0 for Alpha CPUs
Hello everyone,
I've been looking for Alpha software for years but I've never been able to locate a clean dump of MSVCPP 6.0
Does anyone have a copy of that software? It'd be much appreciated, as VCPP 4.0 is... archaic and a pain to work with.
Does the one here not work? https://winworldpc.com/product/visual-c/6x
I’ve got a copy of it, but it’s not an ISO, it was downloaded for me by a coworker years ago from the MSDN website.
I think I’ve also got the downloaded copy of Visual Basic.
Well, sadly it has a number of issues, making the whole package unusable (it's been a while since I tried it, i can't remember the exact problem). I was able to frankenstein a copy of the VCPP4 compiler with the VCPP6 CRT which (kind of) works fine, but it's ugly and messy.
If you'd be so kind to upload those somewhere I could host them on AlphaNT and we could get a mod to host them here too, I guess.
If you remember the specifics, I can add a note to the release or download page. It was already marked as needing a redump, and appeared crufty.
Was the Alpha release available on a standalone CD, or was this only available in their MSDN stuff?
The downloads I was given for it have folders labeled cd1 and cd2, so I assume at one time they were CDs, but maybe just in the MSDN collection since that’s how they used to come out. I’m not 100% sure. I also don’t know exactly how everything was packaged from MSDN, because the guy that downloaded them for me wasn’t super technical and he gave me burned CDs with rar packages on them, but I’d have figured he could have just burned the files to disk, not in archive format, since it took two disks even when in rar. Lol
It looks like your copy and my copy have the same number of files on CD 1, but the CRC is different. I ran windiff and the following files are different (L: is where I mounted your ISO and D are my files:
.\readaxp.htm different (L:\ is more recent)
.\ie4\ie40cif.cab different (D:\downloads\alpha\VC\cd1 is more recent)
.\ie4\javalpha.cab different (D:\downloads\alpha\VC\cd1 is more recent)
The first file, seems to be a bogus date on your ISO. The other files are probably just IE bug fixes. I wouldn't expect these to make much of a difference.
I was able to install the software, but then it wasn't able to function properly. I don't even remember being able to open the VCPP IDE. I know it's a bit vague, I'm sorry, it's really been a while.