Netware 4.11 CD image fixed
I've been working my way through various versions of Netware to see what I can run under Qemu. I downloaded version 4.11 from the files area but it's not recognised as an ISO9660 image by Linux or Windows 10. I've managed to fix it by using the iat tool on Ubuntu (you may need to install with sudo apt install iat).
Hope this saves someone else the hassle I had trying to get the disk recognised - I can make a copy of the fixed ISO available if required.
BTW Netware 4.2 runs well under Qemu (2.11) with the -enable-kvm option
$ iat netware_4.11.iso netware_4.11_fixed.iso Iso9660 Analyzer Tool v0.1.3 by Salvatore Santagati Licensed under GPL v2 or later Detect Signature RAW at 2344 Detect Signature RAW at 4696 Detect Signature RAW at 7048 Detect Signature RAW at 9400 Detect Signature RAW at 11752 Detect Signature RAW at 14104 Detect Signature RAW at 16456 Detect Signature RAW at 18808 Detect Signature RAW at 21160 Detect Signature RAW at 23512 Detect Signature RAW at 25864 Detect Signature RAW at 28216 Detect Signature RAW at 30568 Detect Signature RAW at 32920 Detect Signature RAW at 35272 Detect Signature RAW at 37624 Detect Signature ISO9660 START at 37648 Detect Signature RAW at 39976 Detect Signature ISO9660 END at 40000 Image offset start at 0 Sector header 16 bit Sector ECC 288 bit Block 2352 Done