Ami 1.0

edited April 2020 in Product Comments

imageAmi 1.0

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  • I have a version of Ami 1.0 that was sold for or maybe bundled with the Commodore PC40-III. It's dated 1987 on the disk. I find this an oddity since the PC40-III came with DOS 3.2, but this copy was shrink-wrapped like a bundled package and states "Expressly for Commodore" on the manual and references the PC40-III specifically inside.

  • There was yet another early text processor for Windows released shortly after Samna's Ami - Myriad (c) Beckman Associates (it even included Thesaurus and Speller from the same firm).
  • edited February 7

    Ami 0.998 Pre-release (1988). To my disappointment, it didn't run under Windows 1.x.
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