[OFFER] Microsoft Learning DOS 2.0

Today i found Microsoft Learning DOS 2.0 my collection. I recede to share with WinWorld. Microsoft Learning DOS 2.0 was release 1988 and teach you how to use MS-DOS 4.00. The first Microsoft Learning DOS version 1.0 was release 1986 and teach you how to use MS-DOS 3.20. The Final Version of Microsoft Learning DOS is version DOS 3.0 was release 1991 and teach you how to use MS-DOS 5.00 . Microsoft Learning DOS is a Learning Guild to teach you how to use to MS-DOS. Microsoft Learning DOS also feature a Online Help. Microsoft Learning DOS 2.0 came with 3 disks. Couple days ago i a buy Microsoft Learning DOS 1.0 on Ebay but my came with one disk not three. I do not 5 1/4 floppy disk right now i will buy one in couple day from now. Enjoy!!!


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