[OFFER] MS-DOS 3.2 and Setup/Tutorial/BASICA for the Zenith Eazy PC

edited July 2020 in Offers & Requests
MS-DOS 3.2 for the Zenith Eazy PC
DISK IMAGE (1ct 3.5"): https://archive.org/download/MSDOS32ForTheEazyPCZenithDataSystems/MSDOS32ForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems.img
FLOPPY LABEL: https://ia801501.us.archive.org/29/items/MSDOS32ForTheEazyPCZenithDataSystems/MSDOS32ForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems.000.floppylabel1front.jpg
Setup/Tutorial/BASICA for the Zenith Eazy PC
DISK IMAGE (1ct 3.5"): https://archive.org/download/SetupTutorialBASICAForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems/SetupTutorialBASICAForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems.img
FLOPPY LABEL: https://ia801406.us.archive.org/19/items/SetupTutorialBASICAForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems/SetupTutorialBASICAForTheEazyPC1987ZenithDataSystems.000.floppylabel1front.jpg
OEM version of MS-DOS 3.2 and combination setup-tutorial-BASIC disk for Zenith's ill-fated all-in-one clone, the Eazy PC. If you've seen VWestlife's video on it you'll know how good those things were.

I found these disks at the flea market along with a whole bunch of others last week. Unfortunately(?) I couldn't find the accompanying Eazy PC to go with them. Still I figured they would be useful to someone.


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