DESQView 2.x

DESQView, from Quarterdeck, was a DOS application multi-tasker and in later versions functioned as an X client for applications on remote UNIX systems. It competed against IBM Topview. The original DESQ was just a task switcher, but subsequent versions offered preemptive multitasking of well behaved DOS programs on real-mode 8088 PCs. It gained popularity when DESQView 386 added virtual x86 support. This enabled the ability to multi task many poorly behaved programs, and was often used on BBSes due to its excellent COM port handling. It was later overtaken by OS/2 and Windows.
Desqview /x 2.0 763-X5X-92958 or 783-X5X-58035 or 805-X5X-02266 or 995-X5X-07054
Desqview /x 20 754-X5X-14396
Desqview /x 21 100-16X-41940
Desqview /x network manager 1 1 003-V1-3616 111-V1-9007 201-V1-3102 300-V1-4507 102-V1-9061 000-V1-0009
Desqview /x osf/motif 002-R1-1583 101-R1-6009 906-R1-0002 456-R1-1001 101-R1-6083 000-R1-0009
Desqview 2 34 047-A74473
Desqview 2 40 with qemm 6.00 111-XQ-9999 300-XQ-3003 201-XQ-9999 000-XQ-0009 100-XQ-1205 501-XQ-1110 702-XQ-0000 400-XQ-0023 222-XQ-0003 600-XQ-1011
Desqview 2.40 with qemm 6.00 222-XQ-0003 or 600-XQ-1011
Desqview 386 2.61 and qemm 386 7.02 001-17H-72414
Desqview 386 2.7 and qemm 386 75 010-22H-28256
Desqview 386 2.7 qemm 386 7.5 114-22H-28256
Desqview x 2.0 000-15X-011980 048-X5X-40638 323-X5X-63318 481-X5X-15929 498-X5X-93123 754-X5X-14396 763-X5X-92958 783-X5X-58035 805-X5X-02266 995-X5X-07054
Desqview/386 2 6 000-12H-83189 000-12H-01198 001-12H-72414 001-32H-72414 003-22H-00006 010-12H-95253 100-22H-00044 221-22H-20011 401-22H-11011 500-22H-40000
Desqview/386 2 7 114-23H-28256 103-23H-90808 102-13H-08044 010-23H-28256 100-63H-00706 333-33H-05050 500-93H-22005 111-73H-11112 000-83H-30303
Desqview/386 2 8 114-28W-28256 103-28W-90808 102-18W-08044 010-28W-28256 100-68W-00706 333-38W-05050 500-98W-22005 111-78W-11112 000-88W-30303
Desqview/386 2.8 500-98W-22005 or 111-78W-11112 or 000-88W-30303