[Offer] IBM Time Manager 1.0 (copy protected)

edited November 2020 in Offers & Requests
The Program disk is copy protected. For the 2 Data disks, they are not directly readable (i.e. it gives an error when you list the content) and and I guess that they are formatted in a special format that can be only read through the software. But i could be wrong and they may be damaged. I didn't have the time to test further.



  • edited November 2020
    Thanks, but would you please dump progran disk ony again?

    Your disk has no problem.

    But it is different from mine on Program disk.

    40 Columes & 80 Columes disk has no problem and good dump.
  • Any chance of getting a manual scan? This kind of software really needs the manuals. It's not bound, so its just a matter of finding a document scanner.
  • OMG, I lost manual and blinder a few years ago except diskette.
  • edited November 2020
    Here is the link with the 2nd dump of program disk.

  • edited November 2020

    Thank you.

    Here is my dump from original media excpet Track 10.

    But both disk between from mine and yours work well.

    I attached dumped image by Teledisk.

    1) My Program Disk on Track 10


    2) Your Program Disk on Track 10

  • Thanks, would this difference be due to the copy protection ?
  • @SomeGuy what is your experience with scanning those manuals, as the pages are a little higher than A5 and narrower? When I scan them in A5 format the botom with page nubers is cut and if I scan in A4, then I have a small A5 page in the middle of an A4 page with is not so nice.
  • @callmejack

    This copy protection is very simple. (No bad sector, no irregular sector size on DOS)
    Only sector ID is different from standard on DOS.

    This can be copied by Teledisk / ImageDisk / Copy II PC / Copy Write / Anadisk easily.
  • @ibmpc5150 the manual says that you can make one backup copy (and only one) using tmcopy. Maybe one of the disks has already done its backup copy and the bytes were changed. One way to check would be to try to run tmcopy on both disks and see if it says that you have already done your backup on one of them.
  • Uh, a decent document scanner should automatically detect the size of the page so the output is neither larger nor smaller.

    If you really don't have that kind of setting, you can use ImageMagic to crop to just the size you want.

    If that is too much of a problem, just use a size that gets all of the page and send me an archive the the raw TIFF or PNG files and I'll process them.
  • On my scanner I just tell it a custom size. It’s not always perfect when using the flat bed, but works pretty well with the document feeder.

    It’s an older xerox rebranded pioneer scanner. Perhaps the original software could auto detect the page size, but I don’t have that and the downloads from xerox don’t include everything that was on the CD. I just use NAPS with twain drivers.
  • @callmejack

    Oh, thank you very much.

    Yes, your dump is now untouched perfectly.

    I figured out that my disk (program) disk is modified.

    Thank you.
  • @SomeGuy, I don't want to scan the manual page by page, it would be too much work (I did this for PC-DOS 1.0 and it was a pain). If I use the automatic sheet feeder, the scan software only allows some predefined format of document. So I had to choose the one that was closer to A5 but a little larger. Here is the scan of the manual, if someone finds a way to crop it without too much work it would be great. It has been through OCR and there's a version with some optimization (background removal) which gives a decent result.

  • Thanks very much for posting the manual.
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