[offer] IBM Multiplan 1.0 + 1.1 (SCP)
Although it's already present in the library, I upload the dump of my disks (SuperCard pro format) for comparison.
Unfortunately version 1.0 (Program) is modified, and Tutorial Disk of 1.0 is missing.
But version 1.1 has no problem.
I have both of them.
My disk of Tutorial 1.1 is bad dump.
Thanks to your help, I can fix my disk.
Interestingly the sector content (track 4 physical first sector) is there but differs from this dump.
Both of these images have had the "MPCOPY.COM" one-time disk copy program run and automatically deleted. It clearly changes something else to indicate it has been run, but I am not sure what.
Additionally, the backup copy is made without a protected sector on track 4. Which suggests the PCJS version was from a backup copy.