[offer] Harvard total project manager 1.1 (SCP, IMZ) [5.25]


  • Thanks, unfortunately disks are modified.
    But I fixed it as clean dump (or untouched)
  • Thanks for the « cleaning » !
  • Arrrag. It's copy protected just like 1.0. Something in the gap area so it looks like a normal disk. That is a very devious protection scheme.
  • @callmejack
    Would you please dump it by SCP again?
  • I think technically the SCP image is fine.

    Although it looks like the program disk was already used for hard drive install. Also, the "backup" copies look like they are not factory copies. There were not any photos of those, so I assume these were just user created copies that may or may not have worked.

    Looking at my notes, I never really got to the bottom of the protection on 1.0, although the script posted previously (minus a couple typos) did make it run, but not install, in PCE.
  • Here is the additional dumps of the disks.


    unfortunately I think that both system disk (original and copy made by previous owner) have been installed already. I recreated copies of both from the SCP dumps and each time it says at the end of the install that the program has already been installed.

    I also tried with the fixed images given by @ibmpc5150 but this time it says its not a an original diskette.

  • Ok, so here is a little more info - the copy protection scheme places the bytes "F6 F6 F6 48 53 49" ("---HSI") in the gap area immediately after the sector's two CRC bytes.

    In this copy of 1.1, it places one on track 4 head 0 sector 1 that is used by the executable to detect if the program disk is an original.
    Version 1.1 also places one on track 4 head 0 sector 2 to indicate if it is installed or not. The process of installation re-writes this sector, which clobbers all data in the gap areas after the CRC.

    When installed on a hard drive, 1.1 does not require a keydisk in the floppy drive. But it fricks around with the hard drive structure, so it looks like it won't work on partitions larger than 32MB, as DOS 4 was not around when this was released.

    So, I can edit the MFM data and create a "cleaned"/reconstituted kryoflux image that restores the ability to install to hard disk.

    1.0 already on Winworld was dumped from unmodified unused disks, so no changes were needed there. It looks like 1.0 did not keep track of hard disk installs, so it may not have used sector 2.

  • @callmejack

    Thanks, I'll check it later.

    Also you don't have to adapt my fixed disk image on your original disk.
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