MS-DOS 1.x
Originally 86-DOS, written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products, DOS was a rough clone of CP/M for 8086 based hardware. Microsoft purchased it and licensed it to IBM for use with Microsoft's IBM PC language products. In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones.
In order to make 160kb and 320kb DOS disks readable in WINIMAGE,
the following changes should be make to the floppy disk header.
This is the first 30 bytes of the disk. You will need a hex editor for this.
These modifications should work for most disks in WINIMAGE, and most disks
should boot in DOS. There is one known exception, although it is readable
in WINIMAGE, COMPAQ will not boot up if this change is made. Also this
will not work for the infamous boot disks, since there are no files to see.
As always NEVER attempt this on the original disks, make a copy.
5¼" disk
ADDRESS | BYTES | 160 | 320 |
------- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
00-02 | 00-02 | DO NO CHANGE | jump code
03-0A | 03-10 | OPTIONAL INFO | optional OEM name and version
0B 0C | 11-12 | 00 02 | 00 02 | bytes per sector
0D | 13 | 01 | 02 | sectors per allocation unit
0E 0F | 14-15 | 01 00 | 01 00 | reserved sectors
------- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
10 | 16 | 02 | 02 | number of FATs
11 12 | 17-18 | 40 00 | 70 00 | maximum number of root directory entries
13 14 | 19-20 | 40 01 | 80 02 | number of sectors in logical image
15 | 21 | FE | FF | media descriptor byte
16 17 | 22-23 | 01 00 | 01 00 | number of sectors occupied by a single FAT
18 19 | 24-25 | 08 00 | 08 00 | sectors per track
1A 1B | 26-27 | 01 00 | 02 00 | number of heads
1C 1D | 28-29 | 00 00 | 00 00 | # of hidden sectors
Although it is probable they are out there, I don't recall ever seeing a 160kb disk in DOS 2.x and above and as I remember all the 320kb disks I looked at cannot be naturally seen by WINIMAGE. I have also seen 180kb and 360kb that cannot be seen by WINIMAGE.
What I did is read up about all the specs for all DOS disks from 160kb to 2.88mb.
Once I understood how the disks where laid out, I created a small table listing all the parameters. After that I thought why not try it out on the invisible disks and it worked. Since I have not seen it anywhere on the internet, I thought I would share the information for others to use if they wish to.
This 1.25 floppy disk was actually bundled with Zenith's MS-DOS 2.11, I presume to increase software backwards compatibility for their machine. So it is also in the 2.11 download, but I've separated out a copy to make it easier to find.
The file contents of the crufty copy were otherwise identical.
the MS-DOS 1.25 [Compaq OEM r1.10 Rev B].txt file states "This archive contains one 320k disk image in raw and ImageDisk disk format.
The imageDisk is missing.
I'll get that re-uploaded but in the mean time, you can convert a 320k IMG file to Imagedisk using the command:
BIN2IMD DM=5 N=40 SS=512 SM=1-8 /2
Yes I noticed that almost all of them include an ImageDisk file.
I'll give BIN2IMD a go.
*Undefined opcode 0xFF at 0x00007C00
stopped (21625937 cycles, 11907 ms, 1816237 hz)
AX=0000 BX=7C00 CX=0004 DX=0000 SP=0100 BP=E4B7 SI=0002 DI=0044
SS=0030 DS=0040 ES=0000 PS=F296 V0 D0 I1 T0 S1 Z0 A1 P1 C0
Then i tried the MS-DOS 1.25 [CDP OEM], and that one worked for some reason. No idea why the first one didnt work.
The Eagle PC OEM will run on some emulators.
Please keep in mind that many of these OEM releases were only intended to run on the vendor's specific hardware. Even if an OEM release runs on a genuine IBM PC, it may have problems running on other clones or emulators.
OEM versions may poke around for hardware that an genuine IBM PC does not have, make buggy use of BIOS calls that only happen to work on an IBM PC, or hard code assumptions - for example a genuine Eagle PC/1600/PC Spirit will always have a minimum of 128k.
One of the interesting things about the Eagle PC OEM is that it supports a "Quad Density" (96TPI) 800k format used by the Eagle 1600 which came with 96TPI drives. This format is somewhat unique in that it uses 1024 byte sectors rather than the standard 512. I forget how well 1.25 works, but on Eagle's DOS 2.1, you can boot on an IBM AT compatible computer and use a 1.2mb drive to access these oddball formatted disks.