- Linux 2.2+
- FreeBSD 4.x
- OpenBSD 2.8+
- NetBSD
- Darwin/OSX
If your platform is not here try checking out the mailing list archives or
the message boards on SourceForge. (PS, I don't know how/want to do a Win32
port, but I'll be happy to take a patch)
...and yet we BOTH use it and swear by it, a major buissiness decided to acquire and continue it's development, and many people (Judging by their forums) ALSO use it. And yes considering that you never even BOTHERED to see what it was like your opinion is probably completely unjustified.
Yes this may be "starting something" but I've getting very tired of your attitudes towards other peoples choices.
wow it really is fucked up (were american Q, we use english!
ok i really dont know much about this phpsysinfo, i dropped it in my server and it worked!
what distro are u using? i know its not windows.
accoring to the documentation it shuld work...
i gotta do what BOD did, mine has a Windows Flag and N/A
BOD? No hard drive?
TOM: do i see overclocking? or is a ath 2200+ really 1808mhz? ... wto_11.htm
in *your* opinion
i didnt :P
k then, lets do things tommy's way.... how would you go about this?
er........ NO
obviosly not :P
all thanks to this ... fo-public/
Outdated linux version.
and i couldnt have double clicked it, SME is bash only :P
thats YOUR opinion, and probably unjustified......... (fail)
Yes this may be "starting something" but I've getting very tired of your attitudes towards other peoples choices.