Anti-Virus for Linux

edited August 2004 in Software
I am running slackware 10 on my server. Can anyone recommend a good virus scanner for this system.


  • I've heard some good things about ClamAV, but don't really know...

  • couldn' you share the drive, and scan it from another PC?
  • There is Kaspersky Antivir for Linux, but it's hard to find it.
  • ANd you said that Kaspersky was GUI shXt...

  • Yeah, it is... I've only noticed that there IS a version of Kasper. for Linux.
  • Not many people use Linux anti-virus software. It's really not needed.
  • raDeon wrote:
    Not many people use Linux anti-virus software. It's really not needed.

    Oh. Really. Scripting time...
  • uhm...aren't there like....5 viruses made for linux?
  • I heard about only 2.
  • Theres no need for a anti-virus. Only if you plan to use root access the whole time then you might need one for the furture. Ofcorse you shouldn't use root access only if you need to compile or change some settings, but that can be done though the term window using the su command.
  • raDeon wrote:
    Not many people use Linux anti-virus software. It's really not needed.

    Oh. Really. Scripting time...

    Oh really? Try finding a Linux user who's stupid enough to run your malicious script AS ROOT. Scripts don't count as virii anyway.
  • All what i've heard about the viruses that have came out so far is just to screw around the kernel and mess up some things but it can be easily fixed. Also diffrent distros have diffrent directory setups. Most of them use the same setup but diffrent files. For a example say your running two diffrent distros and they both have Apache installed. One can have the executable in say /usr/bin while the otherone can be in /bin or even in /usr/sbin. Or if you installed Apache your self and used the default directory it would go in /usr/local or /usr/local/apache

    So if you were to make a virus for linux you would only have to beable to attack one distro. Like I said before you would have to be loged in as root for it to beable to do anything to major system files or attack outside the /home directory.
  • Anyway, I've never known anybody who had a virus on linux.
  • I heard some ppl, using Linux, came to this situation: "Enter a root password to see me naked" or sth like that. And some stupid n00bs entered their password and caught a virus!
  • Well, there will always be vulnerabilites and stupidites.

    And scripting a virus just for demonstration purposes maybe laudable, not when entered into from such arrogance.

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