Microsoft Windows Boot Disk 95 RTM
These disks are original boot floppy disk media for use with Microsoft Windows CD-ROMs. Not all Windows 9x/ME CDs are bootable, not all CDs included boot disks, and DOS will not see a CD-ROM drive unless a driver is loaded. OEMs were expected to provide compatible CD-ROM with the boot media provided with their systems. However towards the very late 90s, most vendors standardized on IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM hardware and the use of the OEM Adaption Kit (OAK) driver. If your CD drive is not IDE compatible (such as an MKE or Panasonic interface) you must manually add your own driver. Note: you can use the Windows 98 boot disk with Windows 95 to make things easier. If you have any UNTOUCHED OEM boot disks with different drivers, please submit them.
The OAK in OAKCDROM does not stand for OEM Adaption Kit. It was an actual company, Oak Technology. The copyright notice displayed by the driver at startup should have clued you in. 95 rtm bootdisk english 4.00.950/?id=16630 95 rtm bootdisk italian 4.00.950 IT/?id=16879
it says Disk I/0 erorr
Replace the disk and then press any key
i am using emulator boot from C: A: