BeOS 4.x

edited May 2021 in Product Comments

imageBeOS 4.x

BeOS was an OS developed to run on the BeBox hardware, a PowerPC based machine. The OS was first released in October 1995 for use on the AT&T Hobbit, and later moved over to the PowerPC platform the next year. A Intel x86 port of the OS began in March 1998 with version R3. The last version released was R5.1 in November 2001 for x86 only. This OS was meant to be used for multimedia applications. It is POSIX compatible but is not a UNIX derived operating system (Windows is actually POSIX complient also).

Read the full story here


  • How do you run 4.0 on a VM? I tried on VirtualBox using the same configuration as with R5 but it gets stuck on booting the BeOS kernel (same with VMware). 4.5 seems to work just fine.
  • edited February 5
    for those that are failing at running/installing BeOS 4.0 in Virtual box or VMware:
    use 86box if you cant get around the problem or there's just simply no answer anyway
    it works and installs just fine. as long the cpu is over 190 or 180 MHz. (or it'll probably be slow at loading the cd)
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