Offer of PicWalker 4.2 Win32 - Scroll Images as if a Continuous Image Strip>>>
Can never have too many Image Viewers I say...
Out of hundreds I have a good dozen or so favorites...This is one...PICWALKER!!!...
For whatever reason DEV did not last long...Was active 2003-2005 mostly...
The BIG DIFFERENCE of this is that it will scroll a folder of images like one singular strip & you can scroll horizontal or vertical...
I have mine setup to scroll with the touch of mousewheel which will start it AUTO scrolling at slow speed I can ramp that up by giving mousewheel a more significant flick or switch directions...
Views most usual formats including PSD and can also batch convert (not PSDs though) and do some editing...
Also view images in RARs or ZIPs...
Well thought out & there is a standard browser view as well...
I know this will install on windows 98 don't know about '95...Here I use XP...
Very small tight coded install with NO GARBAGE DUMPING...There is a DLL included you put in plugins folder...
Out of hundreds I have a good dozen or so favorites...This is one...PICWALKER!!!...
For whatever reason DEV did not last long...Was active 2003-2005 mostly...
The BIG DIFFERENCE of this is that it will scroll a folder of images like one singular strip & you can scroll horizontal or vertical...
I have mine setup to scroll with the touch of mousewheel which will start it AUTO scrolling at slow speed I can ramp that up by giving mousewheel a more significant flick or switch directions...
Views most usual formats including PSD and can also batch convert (not PSDs though) and do some editing...
Also view images in RARs or ZIPs...
Well thought out & there is a standard browser view as well...
I know this will install on windows 98 don't know about '95...Here I use XP...
Very small tight coded install with NO GARBAGE DUMPING...There is a DLL included you put in plugins folder...